V [Back in Hell...]

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published January 12th, 2019 at 2:02 PM


"you fucking idiot!" a thin man screams as he beats his first into a broad chest belonging to the man before him. "how can you be so fucking dumb?"

"yoongi," the familiar broad man rolls his eyes, "i said sorry. give it up."

"sorry? you think sorry will cut it?" yoongi spits, backing up into the pitch darkness for a moment. finally, he emerges again and grabs the man by the collar of his thin, white button up and grips it harsh. "you left her there on earth with the documents! we left you in charge of them because we trusted you to be responsible with them!"

"she's too naive to find them, yoongi, so calm down. plus, they were in my office, so if she wanted to find them she would have before. the only reason i hadn't grabbed them before i left earth was because it was spontaneous and i didn't expect her to indulge all sudden like she did. my office will be locked up and there will be a new manager in my place. she doesn't even know the documents exist, so how can you try to find something you don't know about?"

the skinny man, yoongi, scowls slightly as he turns his eyes away from his hyung. "you better fucking hope so, jin-hyung." he muttered.

"hyung is back?" a short, well-built boy says as he also emerges from the black background. "oh, hyung!"

as the boy approaches him, the eldest scoffs and steps out of the way of his embrace. the boy pans his eyes toward his hyung, sad and pouting. "hyung, why?"

"i can't believe you," jin speaks, turning his head. "i hope it was worth it."

"what do you mean, jin-hyung? please just tell me why you're upset," the boy's chubby fingers grasp his elder's button up and he lets his head rest on his chest.

"she couldn't hold off because of you! she was begging for me, it's your fault," jin exclaims, driving the younger boy off of his chest to stare into his eyes, younger with an adorable pout on his face.

"i did what had to be done, hyung, and you know that. i had to do it first so she'd give in to the rest of us," he says, stalking off toward the thin boy from before to hold onto him. without realizing it, his chubby fingers dance over his elder's small thigh and cause his breath to hitch. "it's not my fault you can't hold back."

"you know i'm the sin of overindulging in everything, that's no one's fault, jimin," jin defends himself.

"then stop getting angry at me! what happened, happened! and it happened for the better!" jimin wails, tears forming.

"listen, we have to stop arguing," yoongi spoke with a roll of his eyes. "we want this bitch, don't we? so everyone, calm down. we can watch in the meantime, and only those who have not done anything to her can intervene in her life."

"we know the rules, yoongi," a heart shaped smile adds as he, too, enters the conversation and hooks onto everyone at least once. he does linger on jin, for a while. "even if no one else is, i'm proud," he mumbles into his hyung's ear. "i think you did a great job."

"you left the documents!" an angry shout from the corner, paired with crossed arms and a tapping foot. "she's gonna find them! and then, one of us will have to direct her from them. you're so careless, jin-hyung."

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