VI [Phenomenon]

58 4 5

published january 30th, 2018 at 9:27 pm


terrified. the only word you could find to describe how you felt now was terrified.

"what... what do you mean?" you ask, shaking the cashier's shoulders gently. he shrunk back timidly, lips pursed slightly.

"his name has always been seungjin..." he shies.

"no, it was seokjin, i'm sure. and he didn't look like that." you cry, spinning on your heels and glaring questioningly at a boy passing next you with a tray. "right?"

the boy glances over to see your wide eyes fixed on him. he shudders, nametag soobin hanging on by a thread. "today is my first day, i don't know."

"no!" you wail, throwing a closed fist roughly on the table, grabbing the attention of all your coworkers. "his lips were pouty and heart shaped, his shoulders were... um, broad? and his chest too! he just... didn't look like that!"

"he's always looked like that, you psychopath," jennie scoffs, rolling her eyes and stomping off to the kitchen.

you scrunch your nose angrily at her. just as you begin to mumble a curse under your breath, you feel a cold hand on your shoulder.

you turn around slowly and come face to face with your "boss". he couldn't be your boss. your boss looked different, was named seokjin, and was friendly to you. this was not him.

"is there a problem, miss ahn?" he asked with a rough voice - not your boss's - and cocked a brow. "you're creating quite a commotion. mind you, we still have customers."

you glance around and all the customer's attention is directed shamelessly at you.

"you- seungjin- not seokjin- i-" you stutter pitifully. "no one else remembers-"

"come with me," seungjin offers and leads you back to seokjin's office. you sneer when you sit down in the room, same as it was the day before.

you glance down at the desk, one paper catching your eyes as seungjin is distracted with organizing some documents in a filing cabinet.

you pick up the paper that has your photo and name on it. but, beside ahn jiyeon is written alias, and above it is written... no, this has to be wrong...

you glance over the rest of the paper and barely catch any of the information, like trying to catch sand in a sieve.

(not sorry)

the paper is quickly snatched out of your hands and is placed inside a drawer, before seungjin locks it from you with a key hanging on his lanyard. he hums disapprovingly.

"don't you know these are legal documents? they're for my eyes only..."

"w-" you try to speak. "w-what was that?!"

"like i said, documents. don't get worked up, it's almost like a resume of some type."

"no it's not! tell me what that was!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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