III [Wrath & Greed]

106 3 41

published December 28th, 2018 at 2:29 PM


silence was hung over the darkened hotel room like a heavy winter snow, and the only sounds were a t.v. playing a show you had no interest in and the soft clatter of rain on the window.

after the affair with jimin, and the fact he had left you in this room, on the very bed, alone... you finally had an opportunity to just think about how bad you fucked up.

you remember how whiny chanyeol's voice had been, but only barely. in the moment, you only focused on jimin's faint little pants, and on how he was making you feel.

before you knew it, you were full on sobbing in self-pity. i can't believe i let all of that happen. i went and got drunk and let that man play with my head until i slept with him...

thoughts holding no self-confidence littered your mind and made you fall even deeper into self-loathing as the seconds ticked on.

it won't hurt to try to call chanyeol, a hopeful, quiet little voice in your mind spoke up. you tuned in to what it had to say. explain yourself. tell the truth. you love him and he loves you, you might be able to work past it.

you couldn't deny, it wasn't a bad idea. you slowly reach out and grab your phone on the nightstand. you cringe, seeing the notifications of three missed calls from channie.

you clicked on it, rung him up, and listened as the line dotted on, and on, and on, longer, even longer.

"caller unavailable," a monotone, female voice spouts coldly. "leave a mess-"

you hang up and throw the phone at the end of the bed. he blocked me. he's screening my calls. he doesn't ever wanna hear from me again.

god, you really needed to talk to someone.

it was hard to dial lisa's number when your eyes were slicked with tears, causing your vision to blur together. after a few minutes you managed to pull yourself together long enough to call her.

the same thing that happened to you minutes earlier happened again. lisa's line only dotted on, on, on.

you fumbled in jisoo's number this time, and she actually answered.

"hello?" she whispered into the phones, a quiet giggle following.

"jisoo," you whined. "i fucked up. bad."

"what are you talking about?" she asked, still in nothing above a faint whisper.

"can you talk?" you finally ask. "why are you whispering?"

"we're all playing hide and seek..." she laughs. "a bit childish, aren't we?"

you laugh along with her. "no way."

"but, if you need to talk, i'm here. i can go in the other room."

"can you, please?" you ask, pitifully. your heart still weighs unbearably in your chest.

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