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Namjoon's POV

February 10, 2xxx


"Oh my God, I'll be late in school!" I shouted as I looked in my wristwatch. I ran as fast as I could until I reach my destination, Room 4a, which is the room for Grade 10-1st section. As I enter the room, I saw Professor Kim, our substitute Literature teacher, discussing something. But he seemed to not notice my presence...

"Mr. Kim, you're late! Can you at least try to wake up early and go to school in time?" Oops, it's like I'm completely wrong.

"How can he wake up early if he watches gay porn all night?" one of my classmates said, and laughter followed

"Or even he's working as a host!" another classmate added.

"I don't even have time for that, stupid. I'm very sorry sir, will not happen again." I lied for I'm always late. It's been my nature ever since I was in grade school. Well, let's blame that to my broken body clock plus my never-caring parents.

"Okay, you may now sit down, Mr. Kim. Class, I would like to introduce myself. I am Professor Kim Seokjin, you substitute teacher until the school year ends, since Mrs. Ahn is having her pregnancy and needs a maternal leave. I was told to tell you this earlier in our meeting. Your time in high school life is near to an end, so I have the power to announce that the junior-senior prom will happen in two weeks. So better take your time in choosing your attires, and also your prom date." Professor Kim announced with a strong aura. Seems like exciting, but I assure you, no one will pick me as their prom date. I'm gay and everyone in this campus knows about it. Wanna know how? They saw me reading a yaoi novel me and forced me to out myself in front of my classmates.

They're just fuckass homophobic.

My classmates, probably boys, are busy asking girls to be their prom date as the professor went out, and here I am, sitting in the corner watching other girls shouting at the top of their lungs as their crush invited them, and not expecting for someone to invite me as their date.

I really wish I were born as a girl. I hate having this male body that acts girl. Everyone will judge who you are. I hate being born in this world full of hypocrites, judgmental, annoying and homophobic humans. I wish I were an alien. Well, I'm already am, since i am alienated— they don't understand me as a human being.

Waiting for the e-bell to ring, I put out my new book, specifically a smut, to continue reading it. Well, the book was all about a teacher having an affair with his student, not a girl, but a boy, and trying to hide it within a year, since the student will graduate at the end of the school year, and I've been dreaming that it will happen to me, since FOR REAL, I am starting to like Prof. Kim. He lives three blocks away from me so I probably know a lot about him. I still don't know yet what will happen to them cuz I still didn't finish reading it.

By the way, I still didn't introduce myself to you. I'm Kim Namjoon, 16, a Grade 10 student. I have some secrets to tell you, and it's not really that important to you, tho. I just watch gay porn, yeah, I admit it. But I don't sell my body for money, I still have my dignity to hold. I don't even know why my classmates still insists that I'm a host or a cam-boy. My parents don't actually give a fuck about me. They are always busy making big money, but neglected me after they knew that I'm gay. Gave me enough money for living, and kicked me out. I sound crazy, yeah, but it's hella true.

I've always dreamed about world being open-minded and welcomes every gender we have, world having no wars, problems, and corrupt leaders of every country. World that is created for peace. But it will be always in my dream. Peace is always paired with war, like love and pain.

Finally, the bell rang. I must go to the canteen right now, or else I'll ran out of food! If you only know how these people buy and eat. Ugh, they really don't know how to save money!

Third person's POV

As the bell rings, Namjoon put back his book, and grab his bag. He ran out, as if he was a runner chasing the ones in the first spot. It started raining after not noticing the grey skies when he went out of the room. He stopped in the middle of the hallway and opened his bag to find his umbrella, but unluckily, he didn't bring it. He tried to remember where he put it, and yes, he left it on the small desk where he puts his bag.

"Ughh shit! Why I didn't bring my umbrella! It's just beside my bag. Why am I unable to notice it?" He mumbled to himself.

As he zips close his bag and continues to run, he did not feel the raindrops anymore. He looked in his right, then saw his professor holding an umbrella. They stared at each other for a minute. Scanning each other's features in the face, then were taken back in the reality.

"Ugh, Mister Kim, what the heck are you doing under the rain? Would you like to catch a cold?" said by his professor, seems like a little annoyed to his student.

"Ugh, no sir. I was trying to f-find my umbrella i-in my bag, but u-unfortunately, I-I forgot it in my condo." he stutters as he said those words.

Professor Kim walked him with his umbrella until they reached their destination, the canteen.

"Thank you, sir. I hope I can repay you some day." Namjoon said as he bows 90 degrees.

"No problem, kid. Just don't forget your umbrella, and be ready at all times. You know, weather's becoming unpredictable." Jin told him. As Namjoon already walks away, he thought of something that might be fun, since he also knows about Namjoon being a son of rich family. They're both in the same town.

"Joon! Come here again." Jin looked at Namjoon in awe as he runs back to him.

"What is it, sir?" he asked as he reached into Jin's front.

"What if, I owe you a favor as your repay to me?"


Rewriting the whole published chapters for the nth time wtf


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