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It’s already five in the afternoon and they are now on their way to Jimin’s residence. Namjoon, at the frontseat, is still worried as fuck to Jimin for his absence in the past few days and the JS prom is approaching. He didn’t want him to miss the once in a lifetime opportunity.

“Should we buy some food? I’m guessing Jimin hasn’t eaten anything yet.” Namjoon asked Seokjin, who is still focused on the road, since he is driving.

“I guess so. I’m also hungry, so why not?” the professor replied.

They went to the convenience store they passed by. Namjoon went to the rows of curls, while Seokjin went straight to the beverages. They picked up everything they need. As Namjoon was about to pick up his favorite snack Cheetos, another human being picked up the same bag of snack he was about to get. Their hands tangled and felt spark. As he looked up to see who that person is, he was shocked to see his professor in front of him, who is also staring at him. They looked at each other for a minute while holding that bag of Cheetos in their hands, until they went back to senses, realized they still have a long way to Jimin.

“Let’s pay for these, sir, shall we?” Joon said, while letting go of the snack and leaving Jin behind. As the professor heard his words, he instantly followed the student to the counter.

After they paid for the food, they went back to the car and were on the road again. Namjoon opened Cheetos and ate some of it, for he can feel his stomach growling. As Jin saw Joon eating, he felt much hungry. It's almost dinner time, tho.

“Joon-ah.” Namjoon was shocked to hear the endearment. He was probably having pink cheeks right now.

“Uhm, s-s-sir?”

“Can you please feed me?”

As he heard those words, he shivered a bit. He picked up some Cheetos and fed it to his professor. He can feel his cheeks burn even with just a little interaction with his crush- or maybe I can say the one he loves.

As they arrived at Jimin’s residence, they went out with some non-alcoholic drinks and pressed the doorbell. Without any presence of his parents or Jimin, they opened the gate and entered the house straightly, assuming his parents are still not home.

"Jimin? It's me, Namjoon." Jimin heard his classmate's voice echoing around the house. He was shocked by the fact that his new friend went to his house, since he never told him where he lives. He slowly went down from the bed with his messy hair and probably wrinkled clothes, and got out of his room. As he goes to the living room, he saw his professor with wide eyes and mouth open.

"S-sir? You're h-here, t-too?" Jimin asked as he stutters. He's still in shock about what just happened.

"I'm here with Namjoon. I drove with him." He said in monotone.

"Oh." is all Jimin could utter. He invited the two to sit down.

"By the way, we brought some food for us to eat." Namjoon said, bringing down the paper bag with food inside. Seokjin went to the kitchen to get some utensils for them to use.

After they've settled down and ate silently, Jimin suddenly spoke up.

"Uhm, by the way, why are you here?" Upon hearing that a bit husky low voice, Seokjin could really feel that he's been sad these past days.

"You've been absent for days, Namjoon has been worrying about you. So, he asked me for your address, and as your professor, I am worrying about you, too."

"Sorry for making you worried about me. I'm okay" Jimin replied. But hearing those words still made Namjoon doubt.

"Really? You're okay? Then why you look really bad right now? You look like you're turning into a zombie, tho." Namjoon exaggerates. But for real, Jimin really looks pale and bad with his eyebags under his eyes, indicating he's not really getting enough food and sleep.

"K, fine. I'm not okay. I don't want to see Yoongi and Jungkook. That's why i'm not going to school. That's what you want?" Jimin spoke up with his raspy voice, asnwering the question of the two visitors.

"For real, Jimin? I've been worrying about you. I'm your friend, remember? I'm here for you." Namjoon told his classmate.

"And also, those two are suspended by your uncle for a month, and was told to be expelled if they'll bother you again." Seokjin added.

"Wait. What did you say? My uncle knew about me?" Jimin asked as Seokjin ends the sentence. Actually, the director of the school is Jimin's uncle, which is why He, Yoongi and Jungkook don't get hard punishments whenever they are in trouble. He would constantly ask to lighten the punishment for them or will try to twist the event, which his uncle give it anyway.

"Uhm, not yet. He only knows you're not in good terms with those bastards. And it's your decision when to tell them, so i won't cross the line." Seokjin replied.

"Thanks, sir. Did i miss a lot in the uni?"

"Nope, nothing really important. Just class discussions, no exams. Joon can help you catch up. There will be an exam next week."

They talked a lot and tried to make Jimin happy, at least. And at last, convinced and made him promise to attend the class tomorrow.

After a few hours of laughs and deep talks, Namjoon and Seokjin finally had to leave, it's already 9:30 in the evening. Even Jimin offered them to stay for a night, the two didn't have any clothes brought and they also have class tomorrow.

"Jimin, see you tomorrow! Don't be absent, please. Or else i'll kick you in your ass!" Namjoon exclaimed, pointing out to the professor, indicating that he promised to him that he'll go to the uni, while walking out of the door.

They went straight inside Jin's car and drove away. Only the not-so-loud music is the sound they can hear. The ride went smoothly until it stopped elsewhere.

"So, wanna go somewhere?"


Heyaa guys!! Another update! I entirely forgot to tell in the story that Jimin'a uncle is the director of the university. I might edit this book again sooner and insert the info somewhere in earlier chapters.

Thank you for reading!


Prom Night || Namjin Univ AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin