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Author's POV
Next day~

Did i tell you it was friday today? No. And well, you're finally informed. Okay i'll stop.

As Joon's alarm rang at 6 o'clock, he rapidly wake up and did his daily routine. Washing his face, brushing his teeth, taking a bath, ate his toasted bread as breakfast and packed his lunch. He's then ready to go.

He drove his car not really fast, just enough for him to admire the clean street with the hardworking streetsweepers. Also looking on the trees dancing with the morning air. After a few minutes, he arrived in the university.

Upon entering the gates, he noticed that something is missing. His bullies didn't welcomed him. And he just realized he entered with the one and only Prof. Kim.

'Are they really that scared to Prof. Kim, huh?'  Namjoon thought.

"So, Namjoon, how are you? Are you still hurt?" Prof. Kim asked as he noticed Namjoon beside him.

"Still stings a little but i can handle it, Sir. Thanks for the concern." Namjoon replied, bowing a little.

"Maybe see you in my class later, Namjoon. And you're pretty early today, huh?" Jin said as he noticed that they were already in an intersection, since Jin goes by the right, where their office is located, and Namjoon to the left, where the stairs going to his class located.

"It's just that, I just realized my alarm's existence in my apartment, sir. See you, too!" Namjoon replied, and they parted ways.

As they separated ways, Namjoon suddenly thought of doing this everyday: going to university, wait for Mr. Kim to arrive, and enter the gates together. He thought this could be the way to change his old habit, plus he won't get to meet his bullies.

Namjoon arrived to the classroom and saw only Jimin on his seat. Jimin transferred seat beside Namjoon as he acknowledge Joon's presence.

"What do you want? Teasing me again? Damn, aren't you tired?" Joon said as he looked to the guy.

"Hey, joon. Look, i wanna say sorry for teasing you all the time." Jimin said, feeling guilty as he said those words.

"Why do you say sorry all of the sudden? Are you already tired? Or you fully accept in your mind that i'm really a faggot and your guts got tired of thinking about it--"

"Joon, calm down. I am sorry 'cuz i really thought all of the sudden that it could really affect you accepting yourself. I just want to help you with it." Jimin said, cutting Joon off.

"So, what made you think that it will affect me, though? I already accepted myself and my fate."

"Uhmm, it's because, i can't really explain it!"

"Just spill it!"

"Uhm we're in the same page!" Jimin shouted, tears soon dripping on his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Joon blurted out, still can't get what the other guy means.

"I'm gay." He said with a low voice, feeling embarrased.

He didn't know what to say, so he hugged the smaller guy. Jimin then wrapped his arms around Namjoon, feeling the acceptance fron the one he used bully. He felt like his fate turned upside down.


Since they were just two in the room, they talked about how it happened. Namjoon asked once again if it was true.

"Oh. Really? I thought i'm the only gay." Joon commented as Jimin calmed down a bit. "So, how long have you been keeping it to yourself?"

"A year ago. After realizing i am already attracted to Yoongi. I don't know all of the sudden. I really liked girls before." Jimin explained.

"Then, i never liked girls. That made myself confirm that i am gay. And by the way, welcome to hell! Ready to ride the roller coaster with me?"


(C) knjxksj_deibuck

Ps. Im sorry if my no. of words in a chapter are getting smaller. I'll try to double update huhu

And also, they said that our first day in our school is on July 1 uwuuu im happy i--

Ps. I edited the chapter 2, cuz i didn't realized that i wrote jimin instead of taehyung hehehehehe

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