~ Seventeen ~

13 3 16

Drops of water smack my forehead, waking me up very quickly. Sunlight hits my eyes, making me rub them until they adjust to the light. I wriggle around on the hard ground and remember where I am, on the ground, under a tree. More droplets of water fall onto my face and hit my eyes. I sit up from the shock and rub my eyes more.

I stand up and look at my wings, they are saturated, and Blaczes blood has washed off. I spark my hands and place them on my wings, shocking all the water off. I repeat the spell on my hair, clothes and body. I begin to walk away from the water and back towards my hut. I look back at where Blacze crashed, the blood still stains the trees, while the fresh blood has been completely washed off the nature.

I look to the sun, it appears to be around seven in the morning. I try to decipher which way I'm headed, I can not remember which way is north and south, and which direction I live, I believe it is either south or west. I decide to head south.

I flap my wings a few time, just gently, to warm them up. I begin to flap harder and faster until my feet leave the ground and I slowly ascend above the trees, until I am above every tree. I tip my body so I can fly forward, as I begin to head south.

Ten minutes of flying can really tire you when your wrecked. I felt as if I was in the middle of nowhere, there are only trees, fog and the same sky over and over again. I haven't flow in so long. For the first time in seven years, I flew. Even thought it was only to hunt down Blacze. I never remember feeling so free.

I can never remember much of my past, I remember cutting my long hair after Blacze took my family. It was up to my rear end, and was thick and lushes. I remember grabbing someone's sword, and just slicing it off. It was thick, shoulder length and uneven. But I got used to it eventually. I grew it back out, but I remember someone burning it. So I cut it back to my shoulders.

I can recall someone finding me on the floor of the tree I fell asleep in after Blaczes attack. They took me and healed me, repaired mothers robe, and kept fathers spear safe for me. I was only thirteen. I remember a room, filled with flour and the smell of bread and butter. And a little girl. She was tiny, had the shiniest wings. I remember she always pointing out the flour in my hair.

I remember running away, and swearing on my life I would never return. And helping someone, who I couldn't save, so I hid in the forest. I cried for hours that night. I thought I could never be happy again. I wanted to slice my wings off so badly, but I knew that they wouldn't want that for me.

When Robyn ran into me, I was frightened. I hadn't seen other angels in years, and I was so scared she would kill me. She was to innocent, I could see it in her eyes, she meant no harm. All she wanted was to stay safe. She looked so familiar, and the more I thought about it, the more it scared me, how I knew nothing about the past twenty five years of my life.


"Blacze was an evil man, he showed no mercy to those he despised. No one other than the Superiors know of his existence, they tried to take him down, but we failed every time." I took time to put Ryeighnérs words into my mind. I knew of the Druids, but never of their leader, Blacze. He sounds ruthless, evil and cruel.

"How many lives fell to his wraith?"

"I'll tell you now Robyn, far to many. He has taken multiple lives. Many years ago, when you were only one or two, there was a village to south, it was a thriving and beautiful village. Because of the perfect weather conditions, the natural trees and flowers were amazing. But Blacze wanted nothing to do with it. He wanted the Superior, Lysander, dead. The village fought back, they put all their might into fighting him. He won."

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