Gay confusion

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Bakugou POV

Why the hell did I agree to this?
One minute, I'm laughing my ass off as Kaminari gets taped to the ceiling. Next minute, Mina's tossing this at me.

"Hey Bakugou! Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to kiss Kirishima!"
After a moments pause she added
"On the lips. Make sure you stay for at least a few seconds!"

First off. Why
Second. Why
Third. Why

And I'm not a pussy so... I'm doing it. I would be lying if I said this didn't make me a little... Jittery? Whatever.

Kirishima's stuttering like a moron over there as I cross over to his side.
Why the fuck is is face so red
I lean over him, and his breath hitches.
Alright now Bakugou just a little further. I'm going to ignore that and the effect it may or may not have had on me.

And I kissed him


I kissed him.

Holy fuck his lips were soft.

Why do I feel sick.

I mean. I already felt a little sick but this is just ridiculous.

Excuse me Mina what the fuck are you trying to do.

I blame Deku. Everything's his fault.

I may or may have not lingered for a little longer than necessary. The room was completely silent. Then Sero wolf whistled.

"omgYASSyouactuallydiditaaaaaaa" Mina.. said? I think? I'm not going to pretend to understand the language of fangirl.

Shitty hair is just sitting there, looking like a dead fish, Kaminari is quoting memes, Sero is just laughing, and Mina is speaking in some language unknown to any normal member of society. I understood a few words, like how you know 2 words in Spanish.


W h y.

We're just (Boy)Friends!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang