Chapter Fourteen - Metaphorical Grey Skies

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*I decided to edit the list of people in chapter two. If you remember it was suggested that they were friends with nearly everyone and that would limit my usable new characters a lot. The time in this fic doesn't really make sense at all but just roll with it okay?*

Leaving for Halloween break is one of the busiest times in the school year. Ironic, considering it's because everyone's trying to get out of school.

I stand in the hall of the school, with my luggage ditched on the floor beside me, itching to escape the whispers of the room that I can only assume are to do with me.

I see Gabe at the front door, holding his cellphone and cursing under his breath.

"What's wrong? Not excited about getting outta here?" I ask jokingly, considering Gabe was going on about how excited he was to leave for weeks.

He looks in my direction and smiles, striding over in seconds, leaving his bags at the door. "Well, my folks are out of town for Halloween because the house is getting renovated. Never thought to take me with them of course." He complains, tucking his phone back into his pocket.

"That's too bad man. Where are you thinking about staying then?"

"See, that's where you come in." Gabe smiles innocently and I get a bad feeling about where exactly I come in. "Uh.. what do you need me to do?"

"I need you to take me in!" He pleads, interlocking his own hands together and everything. I half expect him to get down on his knees in a minute. "Gabe, I love you and all bro but-"

"Please, otherwise I'll have to go with Brendon." He frowns like that would be traumatizing. I can't see why, I mean Brendon isn't that weird.

"What's so bad about Brendon?" I ask, oblivious to the point he's trying to make. He's silent for a second, as if he's considering if there is a problem with Brendon. "Nothing. Except Ryan's staying with him. And Brendon's family's on vacation." Gabe shudders at the thought, finishing it off with a clear wince.

"I can see why that would be a problem. Or a golden opportunity..." I give him a small nudge resulting in him staring at me disbelievingly. "Pete, I'm not you for God's sake."

I feign taking offense but he's got a point so I ask, "Why's Ryan staying with B anyway?"

"His dad got married again and he hates his new stepmom or something." He says like it hasn't crossed his mind. "Now take me in, brother!" Gabe swings his arms out in front of him, letting his suitcase drop to the floor with a small bump.

I let him pull me into an absurdly tight hug, even allowing him to pick me up a few feet off of the ground. He soon drops me though, picking up his suitcase again and declares that we'll be late if we don't hurry. Late for what, I have no idea; my mom's picking us up.

Gabe tugs at my arm, trying to make me move. "We need to wait for Patrick, dude." I explain, wriggling free of his grip. He makes a face and huffs impatiently, "As long as I get to pick the CD for the car."

"Or what, you'll just not come?"

"No way man. I'd never pass down a car ride. Especially not with you." He winks and I look away, wondering if he meant that to sound bad. "That's what he said!" Brendon belts out, seemingly coming from nowhere, causing people in the hall to stare at him and each other in sheer confusion. Ryan trails behind him, shaking his head with incredulity.

"Not to you." I tease, pushing his shoulder back. "I beg to differ." Ryan steps beside Brendon, closer to Gabe and I, smirking obnoxiously.

Gabe points at them and says, "You see why I can't stay with them? I'd jump out before they even got the car started."

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