The Fearless God

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I can't be angry with you.

I can only be angry with God for having created you.

And for putting you here, in front of me.

And for causing me to notice.

And for holding my attention fast to these facts.

But what am I to do about it anyway, really. God won't budge if I blame him.

God will be around longer than me.

Sure, I'm talking about God, but even if I were an atheist then the notion of God would outlast me.

In reality, the notion of God will be around longer than the notion of me, most certainly.

He's not worried about it.

And when I say He, it's only for my own convenience and comfort, not for the sake of any attachment I might have to what gender I imagine God would have if He had one.

It doesn't bother God. It's not threatening. God is not afraid.

When I first learned that God is not afraid, it made me realize that I don't have to be afraid of what God's not afraid of either, which is everything.

So God and I are fearless now.

It's just that sometimes you try to take things that I don't try to give to you.

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