Coffee Shop AU (K)

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Season 8 happened.

I'm sticking to the idea that years after the ending, Keith helps Lance heal and they fall in love along the way:)

This one-shot is different than the others because it's basically how Keith and Lance got together in this specific setting I've made.

Keith: Works at a coffee shop because he's broke and he needs caffeine to survive the day.

Lance: A regular customer at the coffee shop Keith works at; he may possibly have a teeny tiny crush on a certain barista.

I love coffee shop AU's so much sksksks.

I hope you like it:)

Keith was late.

This wasn't anything new or surprising; his attendance at school was filled with tardies.

He quickly ran out of his apartment and hopped onto his motorcycle. Then he was on his way to Kosmos' Koffee Shop. (Yes, I spelled coffee with a "k" lol. Just go with it please.)

Kosmos' Koffee Shop was well known throughout the city. A cozy place with an antique feel with it's ancient books and worn out couches. Shelves with hundreds of books of all genres were lined up against the walls.

Keith had just parked in his designated spot when Pidge, a fellow co-worker, came running out with a towel and repeatedly smacked him on the head.

"Ow! What the hell was that for?" Keith yelled while fixing his already messy mullet.

"Well, first of all dumbass, you're late. Second of all, Lance is here and he's leaving soon so you need to get your butt inside and make a move!" She exclaimed, waving her arms around to emphasize the importance of the situation at hand.

For months, Pidge has been trying to get Lance, a friend she has some college classes with, together with Keith. Of course, the raven haired boy refused because he was way too shy to make the first move and would no doubt embarrass himself.

What he didn't know was that through the many conversations they've had, Lance had fallen for him.

Just like Keith has fallen for Lance.

For the last few days, Lance had been planning something. He wanted to show Keith how he felt with something he was passionate about and loved to share with Keith.


And Lance had found the perfect song.

As soon as he saw Keith at the register, Lance instantly lit up. He had been waiting for him to show up.

He stood up and walked over to the boy who had captured his heart in a few short months.

Lance loved how calm Keith could be, but also the way his violet eyes lit up when talking about something he loved. He loved the feisty and sassy side of him, but also the soft side that he had the privilege to witness a few times.

"Hey, Keith. How's your morning been?"

Keith tried to fight down the blush that threatened to show when he heard Lance.

But of course, Lance noticed and he loved the affect he had on Keith.

"Oh hey, Lance. I'm okay, I was a little late and Pidge smacked me with a towel. Again." They both chuckled at that, but stopped when she came over quickly with her hand raised, a towel held in her fist.

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