Chapter six

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~Quick Recap~

"Dust's feet became light as he started to fall over backward. I stood up and caught him. I sighed, "You need to stop pretending." I layed him on the couch and put the blanket over him, then rubbed my spine and sat down next to him with a heating pad. Every time his glasses comes off, some of his power drains. How much it drains is depended on how long he goes without his glasses. There was a knock at the door, I just yelled, "Come in!" We weren't expecting anyone, but my spine hurts too much to stand up. This guy that was a skeleton, no shirt on and looked around our age walked in, "I saw what happened." "

~Blue's POV~

I looked at the person, "Who are you?" The monster laughed, "Wow, starting off rude, are we? Well, you aren't as cute as the person lying next to you is." I blinked, "Oh. Are you that mystery guy that Dust and Killer saw while walking to Killer's house?" They nodded and walked towards me, holding a hand out, "Name's SwapFell, but please, call me SF." I took there hand and shook it, "The name is BlueBerry, but I go by, Blue." I let his hand go and he looked at me, "Okay. As I said, I saw everything. I have a few questions for you to answer." I nodded and made a small, "Mhmm." Sound, "One, Why did he go... rogue when his glasses got taken off..." I smiled and looked down at Dust, "Well, I guess you can say he has two personalities. When he has his glasses on, he's one of those nerdy cuties, he's shy, but not to shy to speak up, in class, not to bullies. With his glasses off, he can be one of two things. One, he can be a really weird, seductive person, or, two, a murder." SF nodded, "Got that."

I nodded, "Also, why are you here, how did you get here and also, we don't know you, how can we trust you?" SF sighed, "One and two, I followed... Dust his name is, here. Three, Want to sit down and talk so you can get to know me?" I looked at him and sighed, "You know what? I don't feel like moving b-" SF cut me off, "Because he cracked your spine?" I looked at him, a little and nodded, "Yeah." He smiled and held a hand out. I looked at him confused, "Take my hand, and you'll be, in a world of your imagination." I looked at him, then we both laughed a little, "But I need you to stand up, or lay on your stomach, with your shirt off." I looked at him, "Wi..... With my shirt off?"

~SwapFell's POV~

I nodded, "Do you want your spine to be broke?" Blue shook his head, "No." His sighed and stood up, taking his shirt and jacket off. I smirked and went around to the back of him, "Nice ass." He whipped his head around fast, "Hey!" His face had a baby blue tint to it, "Hey, I'm sorta like Dust. I'm kinda a perve. Can't blame me." He shook his head as I healed his back, "Sorry if there's sorta a sting. I'm not to good with my magic." He nodded, "I don't feel anything. I smiled and a few seconds, I was done, "Done." He picked his jacket up and put it on, "Not going to put your shirt on~?" He blushed again, "I don't even know you..." I chuckled. Blue looked past me and smiled, "Hey, Dust." I looked behind me and saw the guy sitting up, "Oh, hey."

The guy looked at me for a bit, then jumped and blushed. I waved my hand as Blue sat next to Dust, "This is, SF. He said that he's the guy that you saw." Dust nodded, "I-I know." I laughed a little, "We don't know each other but want to go to the movies so that we can get to know each other? I need to get going before they call me." Dust tilted his head a little, " 'They'?" I nodded, "So, yes or no?" Blue looked at Dust, Dust looked at Blue. They talked for a bit before facing me again, "Sure. Only if it's at River's Cinema." I nodded, "Sure. See you.... next weekend?" Blue nodded, "See you there." I smiled and waved as I walked out.

I walked out of the apartment building and onto the streets. My home. I went to the alleyway, between that local small store and a deli store. I saw my hay, fur, and trash in the normal bed and pillow shape. I grabbed the ripped up blanket and put it over me as I layed down on the, somewhat soft, bed. I cried a little as I cuddled myself to sleep.

~Dust's POV~

I blushed. I was blushing. I looked at Blue, "Did he ask me on a date!?" Blue laughed and shook his head, "Nope. Sorry. We all are going to the movies." I sighed, "Right. Right. He doesn't even know me." I sighed again and hugged Blue and closed my eyes, "Why does life have to be so difficult?" I felt Blue shrug. I looked up at him, "Can I sleep with you tonight? I don't really want to sleep alone." I saw a small tint of blush creep up onto his face. He didn't say anything, but nod. I smiled and hugged him a bit more. I stood up, "I'm going to take a shower and get changed, in your room in a bit!" I smiled and skipped to the bathroom.

~Blue's POV~

I watched Dust walk to the bathroom. 'Why did I agree with this again?' I sighed and went to my bedroom. I changed into what I normally wear. Underwear. I shook my head, put on some paints and a white shirt. I layed the pillows out so that Dust had some. I turned my head to the figure walking into my room. It was Dust.

He had on a long shirt, all white with dark blue stripes going up and down. His glasses still on. I blushed, didn't move, "A-are you going to keep your glasses on?" Dust nodded, "I don't want anyone to die because of me.." I nodded again, "Are you- Why- Do you, *ahem* have paints on?" He blushed a little bit, "No. I don't ever wear pants to sleep..." I nodded, "Okay..." He walked over to me then gasped, "Wait, I forgot something!" He rushed out of my room and came back a little later with a brown stuffed animal. When he was gone, I layed down underneath my sheets. He came over to me and got under the cover also.

~The Next Day~

~Dust's POV~

I woke up, next to Blue. I smiled as I stood up. I made sure that my long shirt was on so that he couldn't see my underwear. Then I walked to my room and changed. I sighed and went to take a shower, making sure that I couldn't open the door from the inside.

When I was done with my shower, I just had to wait in the bathroom, for Blue to wake up. Thankfully I have my phone!

~Killer's POV~

I was doing my dishes, because someone, I looked at Venny, got them dirty. I sighed and got my backpack. I gave Venny some food and walked out of my old place. I felt my phone vibrate, so I looked at it, it's from Dust,

'Hey. Stuck in the bathroom.'

I chuckled a little, 'Why?'

'Because someone won't get up.'

'Who? Blue?'

'Yep.' 'Hey while I'm stuck in here, want to...... help me~'

Oh goodness... He's without his glasses, 'Go put your glasses on.'

'Awwww, why now?'

'I won't wake Blue up and make sure that you stay there until you do, even if it's your whole life.' 'Now go.'

'Fine, fine.'

I smiled and thought, 'He won't remember any of this. Good for him. See, this is the one reason why I don't like having a friend with multiple personalities.' I put my phone up and looked around, "Wait. I don't have school."

~Hey guys! I'm sorry that the chapters aren't getting so good. I just don't really have an inspiration. If there is anything that you guys would Love for me to write, comment on it! Because I need it! Thanks for the help guys!

Words: 1434

Inspirational quote: If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door

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