Chapter 2: New World, Show Off

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(A/N: For any clarification that may be needed there are a few things for me to point out here. 1) the way Soulless is strapped onto the Reader's leg is the same way a drop leg holster is fastened to your leg. 2) Soulless is a Scythe-Shotgun combination. Similar to Crescent Rose, although different in many ways. Soulless is a bland Weapon that is colored with light and dark gray, with some hints of silver, such as on the edge of the blade. The reason it is called Soulless is when the reader has no emotion of normal emotions, it's the bland look of grays. When the reader experiences rage it'll become primarily black with two tones of red, wine red and blood red. Along with some other emotions changing the color of Soulless. Soulless also has three forms; similar to Crescent Rose; it has the compact form, scythe, and shotgun. 3) Due to his shapeshifting ability and the aging process being halted for him, he has the physical and mental status as a 17 year old, which is when he unlocked his Shapeshift Abilty)

And So It Continues...

When the Bullhead came to a stop and opened up it revealed Beacon Academy. And standing not that far from the Bullhead was the smiling Ozpin himself. The five of us walked off the Bullhead and were treated by Ozpin. “Welcome Back, Team RWBY. I'm happy to see your mission was a success.” He stated as he looked at me, although Ruby seemed confused. “The Guardian of Remnant, great to have you back. I trust you'll be back at it in no time, am I correct?”

“Possibly, although I'll need to get caught up on everything. I heard about the Great War between the four Kingdoms.” “That is true, although it ended eighty years ago.” He stated as he started walking off, and I followed him. “Nevertheless, with your permission I'd like to attend Beacon. So I can get caught up and refresh myself with everything, it has been 95 years after all.”

He thought for a moment before nodding. “Very well, we'll have your initiation take place in the next hour. In the meantime get some lunch or relax. When you're ready head to the cliff, you know the one.” He said with a smile as he started walking off. I decided I'd go ahead and head to the cliff, seeing as I'm ready as is. After waiting for an hour waiting and listening to music on my scroll at the cliff I looked behind me to see Ozpin and a Blonde woman walking over to me.  I took my ear buds out and turned my scroll off as I stood up.

“Let me guess, you've been waiting here the entire time. Am I correct?” He asked, as I stretched my arms. “Of course, not like I could've learned much in just an hour anyways. Plus I'm sure I still remember how to kill the Grimm, seeing as I fought them for so long.” I said, which earned a nod from him. “Very well, during your initiation the Hunters and Huntresses in training here will be watching from the cafeteria. You must make your way through the Emerald Forest and find a relic, after which you will return here.” He stated as he looked down at his scroll. “Understood, one question though. Is it okay if I go all out and use everything in my arsenal?” I asked Ozpin with a grin.

“Yes, the more you use I'm sure you'll impress more. No matter if they're Faunus or Human. Although, do hold back just a little. And remember what your father taught you so long ago, Don't--” I cut him off before he could finish. “Don't get cocky, it's the one thing I'll never forget that he taught me. Trust me Oz, I won't get to cocky.” I said as I stood on a launching pad. “Very well, good luck.” I smiled before being launched soaring into the air.

Glynda POV

“Who was he, and how do you know his father?” I asked Headmaster Ozpin who kept his back to me as he watched the boy fly through the air. “He's the one person everyone considers a myth, the Guardian of Remnant.”


As I was going through the air I detached Soulless from my leg and held it in compact form. As I grew closer to the treetops I unleashed Soulless as a Scythe and caught the blade on a tree limb. Using my momentum I launched myself up into the air again and blasted a shell at the ground for more momentum. As I neared a clearing I fired two shots into the sky, which sent me down. When I landed I rolled and quickly pushed myself onto my feet with Soulless, in it's scythe configuration, at the ready. I watched the treeline that surrounded me as I heard leaves and sticks snapping.

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