Chapter 5: Confrontation

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When the sun rose into the sky, signaling it was morning and after I made my way back to the dorm, I went ahead to the bathroom. I stepped into the shower and allowed the water to run over me. As the water ran over me I looked down at my hands to see the blood of the innocent that I killed that day. I clenched my fist and went ahead and showered. Once I finished up I put the uniform that Ozpin gave me on. I tightened my tie as I tied it, then put the collar down over it.

My uniform was the average Beacon Academy uniform, which I'm more than fine with. I stepped out of the bathroom to find the girls finally waking up. “Aww, did I miss my chance to join you in the shower?” Yang asked as she got up. “Fortunately for me, yes. I'd prefer you not join me while I'm showering after all.” I said as I picked Soulless up off the ground. “I'm going to go ahead, don't be late.” I said as I left the dorm room, to place my weapon in my locker.

After putting Soulless in my locker I headed off to class, luckily with 10 minutes to spare. “Hope Ruby can keep what I said to her last night a secret.” I said to myself as I entered the classroom and took my seat in the back. I took a book that I took from the library last night and looked through it to see if there are any new creatures of Grimm. Seeing as I've been asleep for almost a century there could be 3 or four new types of Grimm.

As I waited for class to start team RWBY came in the classroom just as the bell rang and, after being scolded by the professor, sat in the front. I ignored it and continued looking through the book, to my luck there aren't any new Grimm creatures.

After a few classes we headed to the cafeteria and joined with team JNPR, I kept the book with me as I read through it while the others were chatting among themselves. “Y/N, why are you looking through a book of the Grimm?” Weiss asked as she sat beside me. “Originally to see if there are any Grimm that I've never seen, or if there's any missing. Now I'm just looking through it to see if what I know is the same as what this book says, so far it isn't in certain areas.” I said as I flipped the page.

“So, you're comparing your knowledge to what's written in that book?” She questioned. “If you wanna put it that way, yes. I'm comparing what I know to what this has written in it.” I said, without looking at her. As I flipped a page one of my Fanus ears twitched, which made me look around. I heard some guy laughing as he pulled a girl's ears, who appeared to be a rabbit Faunus. I heard team RWBY and JNPR talk about it, and I closed the book and set it down on the table, then I stood up from my seat. I calmly walked over to the guy who was still picking on the Fanus girl.

“Would you mind leaving her alone, a Fanus’ ears are sensitive. Not that a simple minded human like yourself would know, would you?” I asked him, making him turn his attention to me. “And who do you think you are?!” He shouted, which annoyed me and my ears. “This is your only warning, stop touching her and stop shouting. Now.” I said in a commanding tone, to get my point across. “Oh, and what'll you do if I don't?” He asked in a mocking tone as he grabbed the girl's ears. Before he could do anything else I grabbed his wrist and locked my grip around his wrist.

“I'll give you a choice. Let go of her ears, or you'll be walking away with a broken arm. This is not a warning or threat… it's a promise.” I said with a genuine smile, making my words clear to him. “I'd like to see you try.” He said, in response I tightened my grip on his hand to the point where his fingers came loose and he let go of her ears. Then I pushed him down onto the ground, and grabbed his arm. “A promise, is a promise.” I said with a smile.

I could see the fear in his eyes, but instead of breaking his arm I punched him in his face. I stood up over his unconscious body and looked to the three that were with him. “Take your friend, and get out of my sight. Or I'll do much worse to all three of you.” The three quickly took their friend and left the cafeteria. I looked at the rabbit Fanus who they were picking on. “Are you alright?” I asked her. “Y-yeah, t-thank you.” She said with embarrassment.

“Don't mention it, if they do it again just let me know and I'll deal with them. Okay?” I asked her, and she nodded. I walked off and grabbed the book and left the cafeteria.

(A/N: So, now this is where I ask you all a question. Would you guys prefer shorter chapters like this? Or longer ones? I've essentially made it so I've challenged myself to do a minimum of 1.5k words a chapter, but I think it's time I ask those who are reading these chapters. So go ahead and let me know your thoughts.)

[Word Count 945]

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2019 ⏰

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