Middle born but well loved - 2

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When lance was born he was just like the rest the one difference was his mate wasn't a fellow shifter. Shifters or werewolf's like everyone one likes to call them (even among the shifters they think it's cooler) were all born with mates it's usually this psychic link between two (or more if your into that) at birth you just always know the person your meant to be with their your first friend because they are always there for you and almost no one can betray their bond because of that. When lance was born he didn't have anyone in his mind now that wasn't unusual your mate might have just not been born yet but he also had a mark that small paw print red on the left blue on the right with that small line of purple. Now there was truly no need to panic it wasn't that common for wolves to have human mates but it was truly unheard of for an alpha to have a human mate. Lances mama was the current den mother or alpha of their pack meaning one of her children would be an alpha. Usually the alpha in the family is their first born but their oldest Sebastian was born a beta now that wasn't much of a problem Lances mama and papa had always wanted a bigger family much like lances mama once had before she moved to America to start her own pack instead of challenging her older brother who she loved soo for the right of their fathers pack once he passed. But lances mama did start to worry when their second oldest Veronica was born a beta as well, then their next sons twins Leonardo and Alejandro. They were finally relieved when they got the first whiff of their son's scent, proud that their pack would no longer worry of their future leader. They were surprised when they saw the mark but were determined to help him in any way they could. One of the first things they did was putting him in school as early as they could to give him ample chance to meet more humans his age. Most wolves would go to school much later than other children for fear of them having their first shift in front of humans. Remarkably lance had shifted very early age of three very early for even an alpha. Lance had shifted on his third birthday choosing his wolf name Arrow Blue. Usually alphas shift close to the end of their fourth year just in time for schooling. Lance was a very smart child very in tune with his surroundings curious, inquisitive, smart. He would watch the way people did things with his hawk eyes their calm blue waves deceiving humans with his shy smile yet outgoing personality that he found makes people put their guard down the fastest (if they spend all their time trying to make you trust them they will never ask why they shouldn't trust you) he would watch how the teachers spoke with them vs the other adults he would listen and hide his calculative glare behind a smile searching for weaknesses in every line. Lance was a big wolf especially for a pup soo young and he found out as he grew he could make himself bigger or smaller a rare talent in the shifter community. He had dark brown fur like his hair covering most of his body with his stomach being covered in a light brown apart from a weird wide arrow like patch of fur across his chest. Which is one of the reasons he named himself Arrow along with his affinity with all amiable weapons including the bow and arrow tho his uncle did teach him how to use a knights sword incase he ever needed it (Incase you are wondering they are aloud to name themselves after they shift cause it is like their rebirth a second form coming into existence one just as comfortable as their first but different enough to warrant a new name) As lance became older his size grew and so did his heart barely about to start middle school he had many younger siblings he would kill for as well as his older ones he would do anything to protect his family but something changed the day he met Keith nothing bad. But to him his love and family only grew.

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