Talkative trap - 8

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{when it's in brackets like this it is Author-Senpai and (parentheses) is context usually narrated by one. To let you all know I got this idea from a one shot fan-fiction that I think was called language or languages or something you'll find it if you search up voltron fanfic universal translator or something like back I'll go find it and let you know (it's an archive fanfic called Nobody speaks English in space by JUBE514 full credit to them for this amazing idea I found it while obsessively searching for fan fictions about lance speaking Spanish I was transfixed on the  idea of lance being hit by some sort of Galran ray that would have caused like humongous torturous pain to a Galra like maybe something that even Zarkon had thought cruel and put it out of commission and he like takes a hit for Keith and gets knocked out probably in his lion and they drag him out and put him in the pod for what they think is a concussion and when he gets out hunk catches him he asks what  happened after he got knocked out obviously in Spanish hunk doesn't think much and reply's in English or Spanish it's whatever (they obviously had to learn an extra language and hunk does not seem like the French type) and then lance asks something probably how long he's been out but turns Keith or someone maybe Pidge she's curious and lance is all like que (what in Spanish if you didn't know I remembered but I had to check the spelling the spelling always gets me I'm too dyslexic to be a writer and I can never spell maybe right the first time it usually just auto corsets to maneb or Monty or something I have to go over theses things soo many times to find everything cause my eyes just glaze over it and my minds like yes corset not correct yes I was just to lazy to correct it I noticed it I'm ranting aren't I ok back to what i was saying) then everyone is just confused cause lance was like this isn't English and hunk is like noooo? And lance maneuver ( oh. My. God I can't deal with this) m a y b e (That's correct right?) laughs it of and thinks it's a prank because he's him but their not well hyjinx would ensue and Manet in the middle of battle lance yells something and everyone looks to hunk but Keith's like got it not even thinking and does the thing and then when asked later gets reaaaallly embarrassed and mutters something about taking it as his language and then Keith and lance have a conversation in Spanish and it's probably really endearing. As you can see I thought about this a lot might make a fanfic someone please steal this idea or if you know of something similar comment it but if you do use this idea or make something similar please site your inspiration or where you got your ideas from for anything you do most people get angry if someone steals their idea and doesn't even remotely mention it's not theirs or sights their sorceress my brains messed up so I I'm not physically capable of anger but is anyone stole my idea for anything and I found out I would be a weird mix of proud cause someone thought my idea was good enough to steal and "frustrated"(it's in the same boat as anger but I get this really triggery felling at times where I'm supposed to be angry and that gives me anxiety but when I'm "frustrated" it's more just me shaking my head at you while holding my head in my hands smiling /face palming I can't physically smirk but I get a feeling I would do it in those times if I could) just don't steal or copy without mentioning that you took it directly from somewhere like me ( I'm not saying I'm stealing or copying but this is heavily based on JUBE514 's work not really but the general idea for this chapter but it's cohesive with my story) I'm taking the ideas but sighting them as the source they are a really good wrighter and I highly recommend reading if you like a fuluffy (I don't know how to spell that word and auto correct won't help me no I don't mean fully stupi phone) non romatinc relationship between lance and Keith it's fun with their whole dinamix going on I feel like I've been rambling long enough and this rant is probably longer than one of my chapters THIS IS WHERE PEOPLE SCROLLING PAST THE AUTHORS NOTE CHECK BACK IN don't worry I do it too, long rants about responsibilities get boring and my attention span does not want to deal. To the story!}

"My lord one of your officers has observed something while going over the security footage of all the times Voltron has come aboard a Galran ship and I think you'd want to hear this" Haggar said as she stood before Zarkon's throne
"What is it" he replied curiously
"Each of the paladin's speaks entirely different languages"
"The officer noticed that the delay of their voices translating was different than the others and thought that there was something wrong with the translation so he turned off the translator to fix it and noticed the great difference in their speech" Haggar presented him with a video tablet showing a scene of all the paladins fighting Haggar turned off the translator and Zarkon was not prepared for the disarray of the voices each language seemed to hold a different Tone than the one that the translator made when changing their words to galran their were absolutely no consistent similarities between the languages a high pitched mess of syllables then a reply of a much more gruff sounding language to a slower ruff yet smooth language that rolled of the smallest paladins tongue seemingly speaking much faster than they should Haggar cut the video off in a rush seemingly before something could show
"Their are 6 languages spoken one for each paladin and Galran from your soldiers" Haggar stated
"Have all Galra stations input disrupters that will stop the paladins from communicating we were wrong to assume that the paladins all came from the same planet when non of the original did" Zarkon mutters the last part to himself "If that is all leave me"

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