Mates love knows no bounds - 5

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As the years rolled by their love for each other only grew by the time they were in high school they were the king and queen (even though they were still sophomores) and everybody knew it. The thing about their high school is it was in the middle of two territories and there was not another high school for miles. Their town mostly consisted of wolves and the ones who weren't either had wolf mates or knew about them in some way shape or form. Obviously being the next alphas both of the alphas to the pack had to go.
"Hey Jose!"
"Hey puta!" Lance yelled across the court yard
Everyone around them rolled their eyes at this old joke
"Hey Jose" 'Puta' said walking over with a female by his side
"Hey Puta" Lance responded both males smirking not willing to give up
"Hey Aurora hello Nova" said Keith
"Hello Dagger hello Arrow" Aurora said as she greeted the boys
"Aww come on" both the alphas complained
"We get it boys your both pretty" Keith and Aurora said at the same time patting the boys checks
This evidently happened a lot
"Come-on lets get this day over with" Nova said looking sad but exited
"Alright you big pup let's go" Aurora said hugging Nova before going over to hug Keith then Lance

"Today was nice, peaceful I feel like it couldn't have gone any better" Keith said
They were taking a stroll through the woods in there territory their advanced hearing they could hear the river rushing though it was very far away
"Well I know one thing that can make this the best day of our lives" lance said
"Oh and what is that" Keith said turning around and looking up into the trees
"You saying yes" lance said
"What do you me-" Keith said turning around
There was lance down on one knee holding a box the box held two rings one a blue lioness head the other a red one
"Wh-What" Keith stuttered
"Well I chose red and blue cause those are our colors and I chose the lioness cause it was the first animal we shifted into, other than a wolf of course- am I rambling I feel like I'm rambling. Well what I'm trying to say is I tried my hardest will you please marry me"
"Of course you idiot" Keith said laugh crying
Lance jumped up picked Keith up and twirled him both of them laughing as they spun when he set Keith down they shared a short and sweet kiss
"And just to let you know I recorded the whole thing so no one could complain they didn't see it"
"Lance" Keith scolded still laughing and both of them were grinning like idiots
"Oh and I thought ahead" he lifted the two rings out of the box showing they were on a layered necklace with two strings the longer one carrying some sort of gemstone in each of their colors and the shorter the rings. Keith noticed now that the metal for the rings was different. The red one had gold and the blue had silver. He also noted that there was a matt black ring next to the other ring on each necklace. As Lance was putting the necklace around Keith's neck he admired the ring and found out that on apposing sides of the ring there was a small arrow head engraved one one side and a dagger that looked remarkably like his own on the other he assumed it was the same on both rings. He took his time to admire the gemstone. He noticed that it emitted a light glow constantly it was a small obelisk shape that fit in the palm of his hand he saw swirls of different types of reds and pinks that seemed to be moving and he looked at it in wonder and it glowed a little more sending a calming warmth through him.
"Apparently.." lance said "It is from the planet oraíos. It has some unpronounceable name apparently translating to 'To be loved' and it glows anytime the wearer feels love towards the other wearer"
Lance handed the other necklace to Keith for him to put on lance. Once he put it on him Lance put his arm around Keith's waist and Keith put his around Lances neck. They felt the necklaces warm with their thoughts as they put their heads together.
"I love you" lance said and Keith's necklace glowed
"You two" Keith smirked as lances necklace glowed
"I guess you can imply it too" lance laughed

Lance and Keith had been married by wolf standards since that first day of middle school and most got actually married in high school but both were especially young lance having started schooling a year earlier than most and had skipped 6th grade and Keith having started at a normal time but having  mentally matured faster than a normal human skipped 5th and 6th grades. As most wolves do their aging processes became optional at the age of mentally maturity which was also especially young for them and they were both about 21 before they decided what they want to furthers their lives on Since by wolf standers they had been married a while ago they just signed the legal documents to show they were married. Now was around the time they thought to register for the garrison and they did their love of space drove them and Shiro had placed it in a good light. Now was the time they were in for a little surprise.
Apparently whatever species Keith's mother was was bi-sex meaning they had both sets of genitalia and Keith and lance had already known this, obviously, but this caused the non common trait in Keith to be able to have forms in both genders while lance could do the same thing that was just because he was powerful and most wolf's could only shift in to one or a few different animals instead of wolves Keith and lance had access to the whole food chain and more but where I'm going with this is keith for example could shift into both a lion and a lioness same for lance. Where am I going with this you might ask, well Keith got pregnant though it wasn't that uncommon no not at all. Nova and Aurora were already three months pregnant and Lances oldest brother was born in his mother's sophomore year but as you know though they had physically matured just as much as others in their year and were perfectly capable they were still two years younger and people forgot that. They themselves weren't worried though their parents i.e Lances parents and Shiro were concerned they all knew that they would be just fine and at the end of their sophomore year through a c-section done by one of Lances tia's Seraphina Ajax Kenji McClain was born they were a beautiful baby. Though keith didn't mind being considered a male he didn't want Ajax to half to be one thing being born off documents helped though even as a little baby it was obvious he preferred the more masculine things and responded to Ajax more than Seraphina though he showed a love for that name he was a quiet baby and because of that they were aloud to bring him to school and around their neighboring packs so they spent every minute of their time with him loving him, Keith giving him as much love as possible to make up if anything ever happens to him much like with his father. A good thing to mention was that Ajax had a mark in the middle of his back was an image it was a yin yang symbol with a silver infinity over top. They were '16' when they joined the garrison and Ajax was almost 2 in the garrison Shiro took care of Ajax mostly and just told others the truth that Ajax was his nephew that couldn't currently take care of him it's not his fault they assumed he had another sibling other than Keith. Their life was good and it was a little while into the year when Shiro had gotten his mission to Kerberos while Shiro was gone the garrison made a exception for Keith to take care of his 'nephew' while Shiro was gone and everything was going just fine till they announced the mission failure: cause of failure; pilot error

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