To the stars - 6

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Keith took Ajax with him when he got kicked out he couldn't give him to lance cause that would cause suspicion he and lance would talk every night, not over the phone but through their psychic link. Keith would talk about Ajax and his theory and lance would talk about his day. The night Shiro came back Keith left Ajax at home cause no matter what he was going home that night. He told lance what was supposed to happen that night so lance wanted to get out of the garrison and took hunk with him when they spotted Pidge and went up to the roof it was fate. When they spotted the ship lance ran and Pidge and hunk followed and obviously haven't physically seen each other in a while they started flirting.
"No no nope your not saving Shiro I'm saving Shiro"
"Who are you"
"Who am I? The names Lance" he said with a smirk
"We were in the same class at the garrison"
"Really? Are you an engineer?"
"No, I'm a pilot. We were, like, rivals. You know, Lance and Keith, neck-and-neck."
"Oh wait, I remember you. You're a cargo pilot." He said smiling
"Well, not anymore. I'm fighter class now thanks to you washing out."
"Well, congratulations." Keith said sarcastically


When they got to the shack the first thing they hear is a quiet whining. Keith rushed in the house followed by lance and Pidge soon after with hunk carrying Shiro in. Keith picked up Ajax from the cot in the corner at told hunk to put Shiro down there.
"Wow that is a baby" Pidge said shocked
"Toddler technically" Keith started
"And why do you have a toddler" hunk asked evidently fearing for a child that was being raised by Keith
"Hunk don't you remember he has had him since Shiro left for Kerberos" lance said taking Ajax from Keith
"Papa!" Ajax said through their mental link
Ajax only ever spoke through his link and has learned to isolate conversations and how to talk in an open link meaning anyone who can talk mentally can hear it something most 5 year olds have trouble with a skill that Ajax had perfected a year ago when he was 2.
"Hello angel" lance said "Have you been good for daddy"
"Good" lance said
Ajax was wearing a small black sweatshirt that was loose on him and grey sweatpants. His spiky black hair was a mess as always just like his fathers and his Caribbean blue eyes still clouded with sleep.
As he walked to the kitchen area he could feel hunk watching him
"You want to hold him hunk?" lance asked
"Umm do you even need to ask"
Hunk took Ajax from lance and Ajax stared strait into his eyes for a solid minute
"Oh he definitely has your eyes and Keith's hair"
Obviously the trustworthy lovable hunk knew all about everything and anything, being one of Lances only human friends and having known a wolf when he was younger accepting everything really easy.
"Papa who's this"
"That's your uncle hunk say hi to him"
"Hi uncle hunk"
"Hello to you to pup"
Though hunk was human lance had already adopted him into his pack so hunk has the ability to psychically communicate with his pack. He had also subconsciously started to build a link with Pidge. Pidge reminded lance of his sister and he started to protect her and think of her as such.
"Gasp he speak"
"Yes pup I speak and you don't need to say gasp to show your surprise"
"But I like, daddy and papa thinks it's funny"
Cut to lance laughing quietly as he made pb and J's for everyone and Keith smirking and laughing on the inside at the interaction and conversation. Really with non wolves only lance could isolate and make the conversations private and Keith too with a little more strain so anytime hunk talked anyone in the pack could hear them and to Pidge it just sounds like their talking aloud but far away so she can barely hear.

When they went to the canyon they brought Ajax. The canyon was relatively safe and he had brought Ajax to scout the caves before they didn't think they would be gone that long so they only brought the stuff they had on their backs and the stuff in Pidge's backpack. Keith brought his three knives one that he kept at his waist and the other two he alway kept at his ankles for emergencies a set of double wielding daggers given to him by lance with black handles and a fiery design on one and a wave design on the other carved on both blades in Lances calligraphy was 'You shall never give up' both blades resembled throwing knives but the handle big enough to fit your fist around it. He gave Ajax a harness to put the blade at his back and put the fire one in it. He never took them off so their metallic scent was camouflaged in his own like an extension of himself he had learned long ago to wield his single dagger to force his energy through it to make it change shape to be able to summon it to himself and found Ajax could do the same so it must have to do with the blood line.
They made their way into the cave blah blah blah glowey walls blah blah blah huge falls blah blah blah lion that is not smol we all know what happen not much changed with Ajax just there in Lances lap strapped into the seatbelt with him. Ajax giggled and mentally screamed kitty a few times even hurting Pidge's ears. When they got to the castle the princess mainly focused on the whole 10,000 years thing and only really noticed Ajax when the rest of voltron left to go get their lions. So here stood Allura stareing wide eyed at keith sitting in his paladin chair with a sleepy Ajax in his arms.
"Is-is that a child!"
"Yes...?" Keith replied very confused
"Where did it come from!"
"Umm it's been hear the whole time?" Keith replied even more confused
"Princess are you alright maybe opening two portals after 10,000 years is getting to you" Coran said concerned. Even he had noticed he child and waved a hello at the adorable one.
"I'm alright Coran im just wondering where he got that child from" Allura said still perplexed
"Well I'd be delighted to refresh your memory princess. When to people love each other very much-"
"STOP I just meant by my previous statement that I was asking more over who's child it is"
"Oh he's mine" Keith said
"Oh that is wonderful who is your partner it must be dreadful to be so far away from them"Allura sympathized
"What do you mean" Keith said confused again
"Well it must hurt to be away-" 
"Ya that's the part I don't get what do you mean away?" Keith questioned
"Well it's obvious that your partner is not among the paladins so you must have left them on earth" Allura sated like it was obvious
"Well my partner as you say is lance soo"
Allura and Coran started to laugh
"Ohh I haven't heard a joke that good in almost ten thousand deca-phoeb's"
"Ahh but really we must know" Allura said
"It's lance"
They broke into laughter but as they realized Keith wasn't laughing...
"Oh your serious" Allura said
"Well he does have Lances eyes and the hair is even more obvious" Coran stated
"Hmm but how did you two get together"Coran asked
Then Keith launched into a tale about their story quick short to the point yet leaving out no important information except the part where he knew his genes were not of earth
"An entirely different subspecies that the main species only knows of through folklore amazing" Allura said as Shiro and Pidge walked in
"What's amazing?" Pidge asked
"Oh just something Keith was telling me about earth" Allura said
"Yes quite captivating" Coran supported
"Yes earth is quite beautiful" Shiro said smirking knowing exactly what Keith was talking about
"Damare(shut up)" Keith said
"Le kimi wa(no you)" Shiro responded smiling
(Now all the important stuff to mention)
Once they had put on their paladin armor Shiro tried to scold Keith in Japanese and they all heard their respective first languages obviously they all questioned and realized what happened but didn't have much time to dwell on it and for the rest of the battle and all battles after that they only spoke in their first languages happy for the cultural submersion (Pidge speaks German hunk speaks a mix of Pidgin and Hawaiian Keith can speak to all animals because of his wolf side he got from being mates to lance so he can Translate and speak all languages he comes across but his first language is Korean but he speaks Japanese and Spanish to mix it up and lance obviously Spanish though he can speak any and every language he comes across in the universe though he usually switches to their first language subconsciously when speaking to anyone so when talking to other species they have their helmets on unless it is stated not)

"I can't man up I'm a girl"
Everyone admits that they knew while lance sits there shocked with Ajax in his lap stealing food goo and giving some to the mice, lance didn't really focus on the obvious till it was shoved in his face
"Well if you got to admit something that everyone but I knew then I get to say something that everyone but you knows!" Lance said
"Oh and what is that" Pidge challenged
"Ajax is mine"
"You can't own someone else's child lance-" Pidge started
"Biologically" lance stated smugly
Pidge stared wide eyed
"But you- how-"
And that's the day Pidge became part of the pack

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