Blades of marmora - 7

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"You were told to come unarmed" said Kolivan
"You also told us to identify ourselves. The lions are about as close as we come to an ID." Keith replied
"If anything happens, believe me, you'll be happy you have the Red Lion on your side." Shiro said
"I imagine we would. However, I wasn't referring to your beast." Kolivan replied
A blade of Marmora came at Keith from behind and grabbed his arms and pinned them behind his back before kicking his legs of from under him pinning him to the floor
"Keith!" Shiro called out but he was held back by another member
The blade holding Keith down took Keith's blade
"He has one of our blades! Who did you steal this from?" Antok asked
"I didn't! I've had it all my life!" Keith says
"Can you corroborate your friend's statement? Does this blade truly belong to him?" Kolivan asks Shiro
"I... I don't know."
"Shiro, you know me. I promise you I didn't steal it. I've had this knife as long as I can remember."
"We can't trust them." Antok says
"I'm telling the truth." Keith lifted his head up.  "I know that the blade is a symbol of your organization Ulaz told me that much"
"Our organization is built on secrecy and trust. You two should leave. Now." Kolivan said
"We came here to form an alliance, but obviously we're not welcome. Come on, Keith, we're leaving." Shiro says
Keith summons the blade back to his hand surprising all of the blades and Shiro
"Not without some answers. I want to know who's blade this was. Tell me now." Keith said
"Your friend is right. It is time for you to go." Kolivan said his eyes not leaving Keith's hand
"Where did it come from? I have to know."
"You seek knowledge? There is only one way to attain knowledge here."
"I have enough knowledge. I do not need to play you game to find the one piece I need."
"Oh and what knowledge do you have?" Kolivan asked
"I know my mother was one of your operatives and somehow crashed on earth where she charged herself with protecting the blue lion from any Galra who came for it. I was born on earth and she soon after had to leave to protect me apparently and she left me her blade."
"Then what do you want to know?"
"Her name. I want to know her name"
"To gain such information you must go through the trials of Marmora. Should you survive you will gane all the secrets of the blade."


"Guess I really wasn't supposed to go through that door" Keith says collapsing to the floor
"Hey man you did it" 'Shiro' says helping Keith up
"Kolivan told me you lasted longer than anyone ever has in those battles. You don't have to keep this up."
"What are you talking about"
"Just let it go lets get out of here"
"I can't just let it go Shiro"

"Is that a hologram"
"His suit has the ability to create a virtual mindscape, reflecting its wearer's greatest hopes and fears. And at this moment, your friend desperately wants to see you."

"What is it with you and that thing?"
"It's the only connection I have to my past. It's my chance to learn who I really am."
"You know exactly who you are. A Paladin of Voltron. We're all the family you need."
"Shiro, you're my brother... but I have to do this."
"No, you don't. So just give it up."
"I can't do that."
"Just give it up , Keith! You're only thinking of yourself, as usual!"
Keith's eyes widen and he looks away
"I've made my choice."
"Then you've chosen to be alone."
A bright light engulfed him The light fades, leaving Keith in his desert shack alone. He looks around, but a loud crash startles him

Keith talks with his father

"Keith please stay do you really need to know"
"Just stay here you don't need to fight anymore"
"We both know I can't do that"
"Then you will fight alone"
"I'll see you later Lance"
"He knows how to awaken the blade"
"That must mean he has Galra blood in his veins"

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