(1) The First Meeting

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"Stan..my office now." Director Jackson said 

"Yes sir." Sebastian said 

He walked up the walk way and went into the director's office. "Agent Sebastian Stan I would like for you to meet your new partner Sydney Burkhart." Director Jackson said

"Hi." she said as she turned around to shake his hand.

"Hi Agent Burkhart it's nice to meet you." he said 

"You can show her to her desk and get her acquainted with everyone Agent Stan." Director Jackson said 

"Yes sir. Follow me Agent Burkhart." he said 

She put her gun in it's holster and her badge on her belt. She followed him to her desk and he said "Mine is right across from yours. And here comes the rest of the team." 

"Whose this." Elizabeth said 

"This is my new partner Agent Sydney Burkhart." Sebastian said 

"Hi I'm Agent Elizabeth Olsen-Renner. This is my husband Agent Jeremy Renner." Elizabeth said 

"I'm Scarlett Evans I did not hyphenate my last name and this is my husband Chris Evans." Scarlett said

"Hi I'm Anthony Mackie this knuckle head's best friend." Anthony said 

"It's nice to meet you all." she said as she shook Anthony's hand.

"Good you all have meet the newest team member. Now get in the conference we have a case and that girl is going to be our profiler too." Director Jackson said 

She turned around and followed the girls. Sebastian's head went side ways and his breathe hitched as he watched her walk and whispered "Oh fuck me' 

Anthony started laughing and said "Dude knock it off." 

Director Jackson gave her the file as she leaned against the table and looked at the evidence pictures on the screen and read the file. She bit her lip as she laid file on the table and looked at the photos and they all watched as she worked. Sebastian bit his lip and she said "Okay the suspect you are looking for judging by this shoe print has to be a pretty large guy especially if he's taking down girls about my size and they are being left in alley ways which means that for any girl in NY they have to be scared out of their mind some large dude coming up to them in the dark. Take out the boyfriend first then get the girl have his fun and leave." 

"Damn" Sebastian whispered. 

"So how would you approach this case to get the guy." Director Jackson said

"oh that's easy you just need a couple to be making out at the end of alleyway. Make sure the girl dressed sorta slutty and you got his attention." she said as she read case notes. 

The room went silent and she said "What?' as she looked up. 

"Well we have been together 10 years the 4 of us have so .. um it's not going to look like we are all hot and heavy." Scarlett said 

"Okay. So who do you boys trust for your girl to kiss." she said 

"What about you and Stan." Anthony said 

"Well considering we just met Mackie I highly doubt that we would be able to pull it off." she said as she tapped his chest and walked out "Decide guys and let me know." she said 

Sebastian about flipped his chair watching her walk out. Sebastian said "Well I know who I want to kiss." as he got up and walked out. 

"Damn" Mackie said 

Sebastian found her in the break room and shut the door and he said "Hey they can't do it." 

"I'm sure they could if they just try I mean don't know what else to do." she said as she ate her salad. 

He took her food and said "kiss me." 

"But we just met." she said 

"So.. just kiss me and let's see if we can do it." he said 

She swallowed hard and leaned in kissed him he started to kiss back they started to entangle their tongues as he cupped one of her cheeks. She pulled him closer in between her legs as she sat on the counter. They started open mouth kisses as he pulled her off the counter and put her against the wall of the break room and wrapped her legs. 

"Damn you two." Jeremy said

"What a show you two just put on." Mackie said 

Sebastian looked into her eyes with his forehead against hers and she was breathing hard. She swallowed hard and whispered "Okay.. um yeah we can be the couple um I need to um go um I need um..." 

He dropped her legs and they both left and went into the bathrooms. Anthony smirked and shook his head. "Got a little to hot under the collar I see." he said 

The next night they went undercover she curled her hair and did her make up. Put on a pair of strapless black lace bra and red lace thong with a black strapless dress that she paired with a pair of red pumps. She got her ear piece in and put her gun on her garter holster then Sebastian knocked on her door. She opened the door and his eyes went wide and he said "Wow you look great." 

"Thank you." she said as she grabbed her clutch. 

They left her apartment and they could hear the team in their ear. They went into the bar and had a few drinks and then left the bar. Sebastian pulled her to him as he leaned against the wall she kissed him and just like in the break room it was hot as he squeezed her ass as they both started to moan. He put her against the wall as he went down her neck and she started to giggle. 

"That's pretty fine piece of ass you got there." a guy said 

"Well thank you" Sebastian said 

"Mind if I have a go at her." the guy said 

"I actually I do mind." Sebastian said 

"Oh come on she seems like she can handle it."  he said as he went to touch Sydney's face 

"Look dude I was just trying to enjoy a night out with my girl leave us alone." Sebastian said 

The guy balled his fists and Sebastian said "oh now you want throw punches cause I won't let you fuck my girlfriend. Check this guy out babe." 

"What a creep" she said as she grabbed Sebastian's hand and they started to walk off. 

He pulled a gun and placed it against Sebastian's head and "Seriously dude." 
she said 

"I want to fuck that pretty pussy sweetheart come on I haven't had the pleasure of a red head and with those tits baby I bet you are one fun girl." the guy said 

"You think so. These aren't real and I bet you would really enjoy this." she said as she pulled her gun out and said "Surprise baby you might want to let him go unless you want to throw assaulting a FBI agent to your charges." 

"You bitch." he said 

Sebastian flipped him to the ground since he still had the gun to his head. They arrested him and threw him in the car. Sebastian walked over to her pulled her to him and said "Baby let me take you home." 

"As long as you are getting in bed with me pleasing me I don't mind." she said 

"Ooo baby doll I want make you scream" he whispered in her ear. She kissed him and he moaned as he squeezed her ass and he said "take me now." 

They went to her apartment and started stripping down till they got to her bed. They laid down he pushed into her and started slamming in her and she started to scream his name as he was balls deep in her with her legs over his shoulders as her eyes rolled and she was arching her back. 

After her final orgasm made him reach his release. He collapsed beside her and he said "God damn Sydney." 

"Thank you for that Sebastian." she said 

He started laughing and said "Your welcome darlin." 

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