(3) Sydney's Secret

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Their wedding day was Oct 10th 3 days before Sydney's birthday. They got married in a small ceremony with family and friends at the church that Sebastian grew up in. Sebastian took her to Paris for their honeymoon. When they got back their friends expected them to start to lose their spark after a year of marriage and that they would have to hire a new young couple to take over for the couple undercover jobs but that was not the case.

Sebastian and Sydney still had the hots for each other even behind close doors when they would fight they would have hot make up sex after wards. Their friends kept waiting for them to lose their spark even when they celebrated their 3 year wedding anniversary Sebastian surprised her with a trip to Cape Cod. They came back even more in love with each other Director Jackson was loving the fact that they could pull off their covers so of hot for each other couples when they needed to. 

Sydney didn't think anything could break them even when she had her temper flare up Sebastian was the one that would go in another room and let her cool off before he would say something. On Sebastian's 35th birthday the guys wanted to take him out for his birthday they told him where they were going by now Sydney and Sebastian had been married 5 years and together for 7 years. 

She knew that the guys were taking Sebastian to the strip club for his birthday. And at the time they had been talking here and there about when they were going to start their family but Sydney wanting to start a family quickly disappeared a few days after the strip club night cause as she was doing laundry she was cleaning out Sebastian's jeans and found a number written on a napkin. She felt tears welling in her eyes and she threw the number away but she had a photographic memory which is why she was also so good at her job. 

For months she checked the phone bill for that number but then her anger started to cause more fights about when to start a family. One night they were at it all night long arguing about when they should start having kids and she finally told him "I'm not ready and we are certainly not ready for kids Sebastian we have been fighting about it for months." 

"Because you went from yes baby let's do it I won't go get my shot and then you go get the shot with out even telling me." he said 

"Because I changed my mind." she said 

"Ugh..." He said 

"Can we please go to sleep. It's 3 in the morning." she said 

"Yes we can. I"m sleeping on the couch." he said as he grabbed his blanket and pillow and slammed the bedroom door. 

The next morning as they got ready for work he started the fight back up and they drove separately to work. She pulled into her spot and slammed her car door and walked in with fire in her eyes cause she was livid. 

"Whoa.. you don't look happy" Elizabeth said 

"Well maybe because I'm not. Maybe I don't look happy Lizzie because my husband decided to fight with me till 3 in the morning." she said 

"Well  maybe if my wife wasn't being such a bitch about everything I wouldn't have been up that late with you fighting." Sebastian said 

"Conference room now we have a case." Director Jackson 

They all went upstairs and she started to put together a profile and he said "I think you should do a complete witness report Syd you can't just show up at a school and arrest some kid." 

She threw the file on the table and said "Fuck this" 

"Sydney." Scarlett said 

"No it's fine. You know what do your way Sebastian I'm leaving it's always your way." she said 

She went to her desk and grabbed her stuff and walked out of work. She went home and started to pack her stuff and Sebastian came in once he saw that she had left work. "Baby what are you doing." he said

"I'm leaving I'm gonna go stay with my mom it's clear that me and you want two different things. So um I'm gonna go and I hope you find you someone that wants babies cause I'm not ready." she said with tears.

"Baby please don't go." he said 

"Seb baby it's for the best." she said as she took her big suit case and walked out. 

Sebastian punched the door and sat in the floor and cried. 

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