(9) It's A Girl

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When Sydney was 5 months along Scarlett and Elizabeth threw them a gender reveal party. They walked into their party one Saturday afternoon Scarlett and Elizabeth had games ready and finger foods and punch. When it was time to reveal the gender Elizabeth gave Sebastian a bat and hung up a pink and blue piñata. 

Chris tied the blindfold on him and he started to swing at the piñata and then he finally hit it hard enough that busted it open and pink confetti fell out. "It's a girl" Sydney said 

Sebastian pulled the blindfold up and saw pink confetti and smiled kissed Sydney."Mmm another little red head to spoil." he whispered. They hugged "Little Sloane Bailey Stan." she said 

He smiled and said "Can't wait baby." as he placed his hand on her stomach and kissed her. 

A few weeks later they started to work on the nursery together they painted the room purple with pink and grey accents. She ordered all the furniture for the nursery in all white including the glider she wanted for night feedings. Sydney's mom Maggie had blankets and a diaper bag monogrammed. Sydney had a going home outfit picked out that was purple and white with her initials on it. 

Sebastian helped Sydney get her car traded in for a more family car and that would be easier to get the car seat in and out. When Sydney was 38 weeks along she went into labor while she was folding clothes Sebastian and her rushed to the hospital she gave birth to their little girl after 8 hours of labor she was 6lbs 5oz green eyes and red hair. 

Everyone came in after Sebastian let everyone that she had Sloane. Even Director Jackson came in to see little Sloane. After everyone left and Sydney fell asleep he was holding her and said "Oh my little girl daddy is so happy you are here. We won't talk about how you came to be but just know baby girl you were made with love and it's a miracle that you are here baby considering what happened to mama the next morning I love you baby girl." as he fed her and rocked her. 

They got to go home a few days after they stayed at the hospital and Sydney pumped so Sebastian could help with night feedings. After her maternity leave was up Sydney's mom Maggie and Sebastian's mom alternated weeks of watching her while they were at work. 

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