(5) Welcome Back Burkhart

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It's been a year since Sebastian and Sydney got divorced. Director Jackson called everyone to the conference room. When Sebastian walked in he seen a red head standing at the screens looking at evidence pictures and the case file. She turned around and Director Jackson said "Everyone you remember Agent Sydney Burkhart." 

She looked up at them and said " Hey." 

Sebastian felt like a knife had been dug in his heart when he heard Director Jackson call her by her maiden name. Even though it had been a year since she left him he still was in love with her he never got over her. "So what do we got Burkhart." Scarlett said 

"We have a case of what I like to call a newly wed killers. Your suspects are two different people your victims as you can are couples newly weds. Every family or friend that I talk to this morning has said that they have been married a span of 3 days or 2 weeks. They scope them out they watch them from a far and it's couples that are in the Hampton's so I'm guessing that they probably see them out and about on the beach the pier the restaurants and yes the club cause that's the last place they are seen at before they are dumped on the beach. The other thing is that they are filled up with booze preferably tequila and cocaine and acid. So pretty much they have no idea what is coming to them and the other thing is .. they are forced to have sex with each other because according to each autopsy they recently had sex with each other." she said 

Anthony said "Damn Burkhart welcome back. Now what is your professional opinion on the suspects." 

"I say this couple is hiding multiple things. But I do get the feeling that the sex thing has to do with the male might be incompetent and the only way he gets his rocks off is by watching others while he fucks his wife. Newly weds are the most sought after cause their love is fresh and new and hot. I also believe with the drugs that they could be hiding something like a drug business." she said 

"So we need a couple" Elizabeth said as Sydney turned back around.

She swallowed hard and said "You need a red head so find you a red head." 

"Sydney you are red head." Chris said 

"Yeah well I was only brought in to profile this case." she said 

"But you and Stan could do this" Chris said 

"Evans me and Sydney are divorced we have been for a year I highly doubt we could do this. Right Burkhart." he said 

She felt a tear fall down her cheek and she wiped it and said "yeah. So if you don't mind I"m gonna go back up to my job." as she grabbed her phone and coffee and walked out. 

Sebastian swallowed hard and ran after her and he said "Syd Sydney wait." as he met at the elevator. 

"What?' she said 

"Stay on the case and help you can do it with Mackie." he said

"No it's fine. I'm sure you have a great partner now." she said

"I actually don't have a partner." he said 

She had her back to him and was fighting tears. "Sydney .. just do this with me one case what's it' going to hurt we need a red head. Are you really happy upstairs being just a profiler I know that's what you are now up there for that stupid team." 

"We are divorce Sebastian I highly doubt that we still have that fire." she said 

"Why can't you look at me." he said as he continued to hold the elevator open. 

"Seb I have to get back to work." she said 

"Fine let another couple get killed Sydney." he said as he walked away and the door closed. 

She leaned against the wall and cried she started to pace the elevator then cried in the corner of the elevator. She got to her desk and grabbed her keys and purse and left work she got her apartment and started to down tequila and laid on her couch. 

She avoided work for two weeks they heard about another couple being killed. Elizabeth and Scarlett showed up at her apartment and they walked in and saw all the empty liquor bottles. "Sydney Director wants to see you. Another couple was killed." Elizabeth said 

She sighed and went into her bedroom and got dressed. She put her glasses on after she dropped some visine in her eyes to hide her hangover. She pulled her hair back and followed them to work. She walked into Director Jackson's office and he said "Burkhart I've spoken with the head hancho your ass is back on this team as of 20 minutes ago."

"But I.." he cut her off. 

"No you listen here Agent Burkhart you were one of my best agents out on the field and with Sebastian by your side you were even better. Now you are his partner again cause quite frankly I'm getting sick and tired of him sitting here pushing paper cause he misses his ex wife his partner. You broke that man Sydney one of my top agents that I have had for 12 years. Now you will do this undercover job with Sebastian and you will do whatever you have to do to get what you need to solve this case do you understand me Agent." Director Jackson said 

She looked down and started to cry and said "Yes sir." 

"Get your gear you and Sebastian and the team are going to the Hamptons for a week." he said 

She walked out of his office and she ran down the stairs and "Syd" Elizabeth said 

"No you all don't get it. I don't want this undercover job but like always Sebastian gets his fucking way."" she yelled. 

"What the fuck is that suppose to mean Sydney if I had my way you would still be my fucking god damn wife right now." he said 

"Oh yea and your fucking mistress too right?' she said 

"What the fuck are you talking about Sydney I have never cheated on you why the fuck would I cheat on you." he said 

She walked off and he said "No you don't get off the easily Syd." as he chase after her. 

She got to her car and he caught the door before she got in and he said "What the fuck Sydney? Why would you think I was cheating?' he said 

"I have to go get my shit so we can do this job and I can go back to not being your wife again." she said as she removed his hand off her car door. 

She squealed her tires as she left. 

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