Hi i'm Shawn

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Saturday Evening
I look in the mirror at my nose it's really big but hey my nose was too small for my face anyways. I blast my music while i get dress. Yup i'm still going to a party with Gonzos nose.

"A!" Andre yells. I turn around and pause my music.
"What's up?" I say.
"We're leaving in ten" he says. My eyes widen.
"No we're fucking not" I say
"Yeah Ma hurry up" he says closing my door. I resumed my music and ran around my room and looked for something simple but cute to wear.

"Wow..." Mariah says. I flung my hair back and walked downstairs.
"we are wearing heels" Khia says. I looked at her.
"yeah i'm not wearing heels" i say laughing.
"I told you" Mariah says. I rolled my eyes and walked to the door.
"Come on let's go" I say walking out the door.

"You pretty boy. we're getting you a girlfriend. One that's gonna break you out your little shell" My best friend Jack says.
"I don't think a NYC party is gonna make me find a girlfriend" I joke. He smirked at me.
"Come on bro, it is im gonna help you. You're Shawn fucking Mendes for crying out loud. Any girl would want you" he says.
"See that the problem, any girl would want me.... for clout" I say. He shook his head.
"Nah bro, I gotchu. I'm gonna find you someone" He says.
"Alright, ill let you do your "Magic" that you claim that you have" I laugh. He mocked my laugh and then flipped me off.
"I have a gift brother" He says getting of the Uber.
"Okay" I say in a joking voice.

Its not that I don't want a girlfriend. I just don't want a girlfriend who just wants me for THE Shawn Mendes. I want a girl who wants Shawn Mendes who likes to take her out on dates and know your worth when you don't know it.

"Hey daydreamer, you coming in?" Jack says snapping out of my thoughts.
"Yeah i'm coming" i say walking in


"Mariah, if you catch something, do not call any of us because we are not paying for the treatment" I say
"It may not be treatable" Cam mumbles. I hit him
"Stop" I say turning towards him. He shrugged his shoulders and we walked into the party.
"Whats popping gang" Dom says.
"Whats up weirdo" I say with a disgusted look on my face.
"Come on, you are not still mad" He says.
"No, i'm not. Come on Khia lets go find some drinks" I say walking away with Khia behind me.
"Looking for a mans tonight?" She asks me. I blew raspberry.
"Nah, they're not my priority right now babe" I say.
"Mhm, we shall see" she says grabbing a lemonade drink. I looked at her laughed.
"Whats going on at this party" I say looking at this crowd while holding the cup with both of my hands,.

I see beer pong, poorly dancing, guys trying to get it in, lames sitting at the snack bar and hoes being hoes.

"Come on, lets go dance" Khia says putting her and mines drink down and pulling me towards the music.
"No, i don't dance, Khia please don't make me" I beg while trying to stop myself from moving.
"Come on, you're an amazing dancer" She says letting go of my hand. I just stood there while she danced and Migos sing 'Walk it While I talk it'

"I know you wanna dance" She says dancing. I shook my head and joined her. A lot of people turned their heads to us and watched us.
"Khia people are starting to stare" I say.
"Okay? Lets give them a show" She says running to the DJ. I looked at her with a surprised look like why would you leave me. The 'In my feelings' started to play. She came back with a smirk on her face.
"No" I laughed.
"Come on, you know you have to, She got in me in my feelings" she sings.
"Whatever" I say. turning forward.

The 'keke do you love me' part came on and I just started dancing.

We both looked at each other and sung. 'Resha, do you love me? Are you riding? Say you'll never ever leave from beside me. 'Cause I want ya, and I need ya. And I'm down for you always'. And we just lost it.

The song ended and everyone was clapping and chanting. I laughed and shook my head. I was hella outta breath.

"That's how to get a party started" he says over the mic.


"That's the type of girl you need, a hype one not a lame librarian" Jack says taking a sip of his beer. I shook my head.
"Go talk to her" He says nudging me.
"What if she laughs in my face?" I ask.
"If she doe say, you wont be laughing when my face is between your legs" He says taking another sip of his beer.
"Bro if you don't I will talk to her for myself" He says taking another sip of his beer.
"Alright alright i'm going" I say walking away. I walked behind her and grabbed her and I a drink. She was with her friend and her friend seen me coming and smirked.
"Hi, i'm Shawn" I say handing her the drink.
"Whaddup i'm Ayla" She says taking a sip of the drink.

Whoa I really I didn't think that was gonna go this far.

"Hello?" She says snapping me out of my thoughts,
"Oh.. um.. you were pretty amazing out there" I say studdering
"Oh thank you, I really don't dance" she says.
"Really? You're pretty good" he says. She laughed.
"Well thanks" she says fixing her hat.
"Are you from here or live around here?" I ask.
"Yeah I live in Staten Island" She says. I stayed silent.
"Yep i knew that was gonna shut the conversation up" She says looking away from me while taking a sip from the drink.
"This was an amazing conversation bub" She says hitting my arm and walking away. I grabbed her arm.
"No there's nothing wrong from being from Staten Island, it's just a pretty girl like you, you wouldn't expect someone like you to be from there" I say. She looked at me.
"What do you mean, someone like you?" She says getting offended
"No, please don't get offended, i didn't mean anything in a rude way" I say.
"Mhm" she says eyeing me.
"Can we start over?" I say getting Nervous
"I don't know" she says. I looked at her nervously.
"HI my names Ayla i'm from Staten Island and whats your name?" She says holding her hand out before I could say anything to her.
"Hi, My names Shawn and i'm from Canada" I say shaking her hand.
"I knew there was something odd about you Canadian" she says taking another sip from her drink
"What does that supposed to mean" I say mocking her.
"Exactly what I said, you are too nice" she says looking at me with her arms crossed.
I chuckled at what she says
"Ill be in town for a few days, could i take out to lunch?" I offer.
"And I don't care" she says. My heart dropped that she rejected me
"Nah, i'm kidding, here give me your phone ill put my number in" she says holding out her hand. I went into my pocket and grabbed my phone and unlocked it. She dialed her number and put her number in.
"Come here" She says opening up the camera and we took a picture and she set it as a wallpaper.
"I'll see you around Shawn the Canadian" she says walking away. I walked back to Jack and the boys. He looked at me expecting good news.
"So brother? Did you get her number?" he asks.
"Yeah, i did" I say unlocking my phone. She set her contact name as:

girl from New York

"girl from New York? really bro?" Blake says.
"I didn't set it she did" I say.
"Whats her name?" Jack ask
"Ayla" I say proudly.
"Okay brodie, I see you" he says nudging me. I laughed at him

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