the boys crib

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"Where did you go yesterday?" Andre asked.
"To go meet a man about a dog" I say.
"Yeah okay?" he says.
I laughed and my phone was buzzing
Shawn the Canadian 🍁❤️:hey wyd today?
Me: um most likely nothing
i Shawn the Canadian🍁❤️: wanna hang at my place ?
Me: sure when ?
Shawn the Canadian 🍁❤️: um now? but give you time to catch the ferry
Me: yeah i'm down. i'll catch the next one
Shawn the Canadian 🍁❤️: okay see you soon
Me: alright see you soon.
I hung up my phone and looked at Andre.
"You're leaving again?" he says.
"Yup, i'll see you later" i say getting up.
"Aye!" my mom yells.
"What's good mama" I say turning around.
"Take your dog out" she says pointing to Rubble.
"I just took him out before i came and sat down" I say
"Okay, but where you going?" she asks.
"To the city" I say putting on my jacket.
"Oh, Andre you going?" She says.
"No i'm finna go hang with the boys" he says locking his phone.
"Okay don't stay out too late" she says.
"Okay bye mom" we both says.
"Bye" she says. I closed the door and started walking to the ferry.

"So she's coming here?" Johnson says.
"Uh yeah" I say.
"Look at this" Gilinsky says.
"Yeah it's a mess but my room isnt, plus this is a rental house how is it this dirty"'i says.
"We're a bunch of guys in a big ass house what do you expect?" Taylor says with a straight face.
"I'll be back" I say laughing.
"Aye i wanna come" Taylor says.
"She's coming here you can wait" i say closing the door.

Alya 🥰🥵❤️: hello?
Me: hello?
Alya 🥰🥵❤️: stop aha where are you?
Me: Pulling up I see you.
Ayla 🥰🥵❤️: weirdo
Me: ahah how?
Ayla 🥰🥵❤️: because you just are, now i see you
Me: weirdo.
I hung up and unlocked the door.

"You know it's very rude to hang up on a girl" she says
"Wha you were right there" i say laughing.
"Yeah but still" she says.
"Whatever" I say pinching her cheek.
"So we're going to your house?" she says playing with the radio
"Yeah, is that cool?" I ask
"Yeah it don't matter" she says playing with my fingers on the arm rest.
"Alright cool" I say starting the car.

"YO IS SHE HERE?!" Johnson yells.
"Yeah!" I yell back and they're all running around.
"What's up i'm Jack but they call G"' Gilinsky says walking up to her.
"Whaddup i'm Ayla" She says dapping him up.
"yo i like her" Gilinsky says punching my arm.
I looked at Ayla and she was watching the boys try to clean up.
"Hungry?" i ask.
"Not now my mom just cooked breakfast" she says.
"Now at this time it's three in the afternoon." I laugh.
"Yeah our family is dysfunctional" She says hitting my stomach and walking away.

"Alright boys" I say standing on the coffee table. They all stopped what they were doing and looked at me.
"You guys suck at clean" I say looking around.
"Yeah and what do you know about cleaning?" G says.
"Oh not that much but i do know that cereal goes either on top of the fridge or the cabinet not in between the couch or next to the TV" i say pointing to both places.
"The blankets? not on the counter or hanging from the stairs." I say jumping down. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge.
"Xbox controllers? Not in the fridge. Coronas and wine coolers. Not on the xbox chargers." I say.
"Yo that's where i put them" Sammy says. I shook my head.
"Hey because our housewife and we'll do better. mama" One dude says rolling a blunt.
"Oh god" Shawn says. I looked at dude.
"Yeah? i would kill myself before i become a house wife. And you really think i would clean up after a boy who really would call a girl mama before he asked her on a date or better yet knew her first name. Don't test me" I say taking his blunt and snapping it in half.
I turned around and everyone was surprised as fuck at what i just did.
"Ah she told you son" Sammy and G says.
"I liked that" Shawn says putting his arm over my shoulder.
"Yeah we'll don't fucking play with me." I say.
"Come on let's go to my room." he says in my ear. We walked up to his room and surprise it was actually clean.
"I honestly apologize for Skate" he says closing the door.
"No you're fine they're just like the boys on the island" I say sitting on his bed.
"Really? that's so disgusting and disrespectful" he says. I laughed.
"It is and i don't know why i'm laughing but yes it is" I say grabbing his hands. He looked at me.
"What?" I say
"You're just so beautiful" he says.
"Oh my god no i'm not" I say covering my face and falling back onto his bed.
"Stop no you're not" He says jumping on me.
"Stop! Shawn get off!" I laughed.
"not until you say you're pretty" He says sitting on me with his arms crossed.
"You want me to lie to myself? that's just bad" I fake gasp to myself.
"God i hate you" He says laughing.
"Aww thank you" i smile.
"But i'm not saying i'm beautiful" I say pointing to him.
"But you just did so i win!" He says jumping on the bed.
"fuck" i say laying back down. I sat back up and sat in between his leg.
"What's up?" he says putting his phone down.
"Um i don't know i'm bored and you always come up with the ideas" I say. He laughed.
"Okay, we'll we can go get food?" he says.
"You're the fucking food devil of all food devils" I say.
"or ice cream?" he says.
"yes let's go" I say getting up and running downstairs.
"Damn speed racer where you going?"  G ask.
"um somewhere you're not"  i say and Someone opened the door.
"Bro you did not" Sammy says.
"hey boys" a girl says.
"Hey Ana" they all say
"So what's the problem here?" she says
"Oh someone wants to be boss when u the only boss ma" Skate says She turned and looked at me. I turned around trying to look at what she was looking at.
"Yo, what the fuck she looking at?" i says. They all laughed except for Skate.
"Who are you?" she says.
"Um don't worry about it" i laughed.
"No because you come into this house and think you run the place. Bitch you gotta go" she says. All of their mouths dropped.
"I think we should go" Shawn says trying to pull me away.
"No, because this bitch got me fucked up" i say turning around.
"First of bitch you don't know who i am, Second of all your a dirty bitch if you be fucking in a dirty room. and third WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TRYING TO BE THE FUCKING BOSS OF SOMEONE WHEN YOU CANT BE THE BOSS OF YOUR OWN PUSSY" i yell.
"OH MY GOD" Sammy J ,G and Shawn yell.
"Don't. fucking. play. with. me." I say getting closer and closer to her.
"Andddd were just gonna go get ice cream and ya know" Shawn says wrapping his arms around me picking me up and walking out.

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