the granddaughter of the bull

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"What's poppin chicaaa" DeShawn says.
"what the fuck is up!" i say walking into the room.
"You going to school today?" Cam says.
"Yeah man" i say.
"You blowed?" Darnell ask.
"Yuppp" i say i say taking out my pen.
"Ayee, lets go chica" Khia says.

"Hey lady" Mariah says
"Ayeee" i say looking at her
"You're blowed?" she says
"Of course i'm not" I say
"You know they're doing a search later today right?" She says.
"Bitch do it look like a care" I say accidentally poking myself in my eye.
"well clearly you can't look honey" she laughs.
Andre walked passed me with his hoodie on and his scared as ever.
"What's up with him?" Mariah ask
"I don't know he was gone before me." I say
"Okay" she says

shawn the Canadian 🍁❤️: hey
Me: hey, omg i'm gonna drop out of school
shawn the canadian 🍁❤️: stop you're almost done with it
Me: i know but i hate all the classes i take
shawn the Canadian 🍁❤️: which are
Me: AP Chem Physiology AP English and Calculus
shawn the canadian 🍁❤️: that's only 4 b
me: i know i don't have a fifth or a sixth hour bub
shawn the canadian 🍁❤️:see you're smart and you're almost done
me: i know but it's hard asf
shawn the canadian 🍁❤️: i feel u babe
me: i just wanna sleep
shawn the canadian 🍁❤️: come by after school and i'll let you sleep in my bed.
shawn the canadian🍁❤️: haha text me when schools over
me: alrighttttt.

"yo twin" Cam says
"what's up" i say
"You're still blowed asf dawg" he laughs.
"Yo what's up with Andre" Cooper says.
"Dawg. I. don't. fucking. know." i say getting annoyed.
"Whoa chill out" Cooper says.
I flipped him off and sat at the lunch table.
"Hey bub" Andre says
"Hey" i say putting my head on his shoulder.
"what's up with you pussy" Darnell says.
"Dawg nothing chill out" Andre says getting mad.
"Bro what's wrong? Can't take a joke anymore?" Darnell says.
"I can't but why you gotta everyone a pussy now Bitch" Andre says getting up and walking away.
I looked at him then at Darnell.
"You're grinding ur teeth together what's up?" Cam says.
"I'll be back" I say getting up
"Hey Ayla" Caitlyn Andres ex says
"Uh what's up" I mumble and walk into the boys bathroom.
"Yo you can't be in here, Carisi" Duncan says.
"Literally shut the fuck up and get out." I say. He walked out and Andre stayed facing the mirror.
"Um hello? Can we talk?" I say
"Talk about what Ayla? You everyday going into the city to go hang out with your celebrity boyfriend?" he says.
"Or you totally disregarding Grandpas rules the main one. the one you put on your pinkie?!" he says holding up my hand. I looked down and i was red.
I looked up and looked confused.
"Take your hood off." i say
"No Ayla" he says.
"Andre i'm dead ass" i say
"Or i'll jump on you and take it off myself." I say.
"No Ayla that's final" he says.
"Okay... i'll leave you alone" i say walking away. I opened the door and turned around and jumped on him and we were wrestling.
"Ayla i fucking meaning it" he says throwing me off. I hit my head on the the sink.
"Ayla..." he says.
"what the fuck happen to your neck!" i say.
"I was shaving and it looked bad." he lies.
"You really want me to believe that when your hair does not grow down there" i say. He sighed and gave in.
"It was Crooks on Tommy's corner." he says.
"Keep your voice down, Marie" he says.
"No because what the fuck were you doing over there?" i "whisper"
"Can we please talk about this at home?" he says.
"Whatever." I say walking out. The Principal and the Police were outside of the bathroom.
"Carisi's follow me it's ur guys turn for the search." Principal Schmidt says.
"Whatever" i say walking to my locker.
I opened my locker and stood back. Yes i do have my pen on me an no i'm not gonna get it taken watch this.
I put my backpack in my locker and my pen in my spine of my notebook.
"Alright backpack" he says. I handed it to him. they held it and flipped it upside down.
"Yup and you guys are picking it up because it will stay there." I say. He signed and bent down and put it back in my bag.
"Lastly body" he says. I put my hands up and they patted me down.
"she's good, now the boy" Officer Dixon says.
I grabbed my backpack from Schmidt and walked out of the school.

I walked into the gym that Tommy was coaching and one of his guards was guarding the door.
"Let me in" I say pushing through him.
"Can let you do that Ayla" he says.
"Why?" I say still trying. He grabbed my arm.
"Because i just can't." he says pushing me back.
"Aye!" Tommy says.
"Let her in" He says.
"Exactly touch me again and i'll fucking tooo your balls off" I say pointing to him.
"What's up" he says.
"We need to talk" I say bluntly.
"My office" he says walking away.
I followed him into his office and i closed the door. I turned around and started to beat on him.
"How the fuck could you let Andre get into this stupid ass business that your running, He got cut on his neck that could've damn near slit his whole neck. From a fucking crack head on your corner" I yell.
"Alya i didn't even know Andre was getting into the business. You know i wouldn't have let him get into this because I know how your family rolls" he says.
"I care about you both and you know that can you trust me that i will make this up to you and deal with the guy" he says grabbing my hand.
"No Tommy, that's all you fucking is kill sell kill sell. And You're a Creedreper and i'm A Bull Lord, We dont trust. I'm out of here." I say wiping my sweaty palms on my thighs and walking out.

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