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Matteo Donovan is watching the little girl as she ran and laugh with her playmates. A smile was planted on his lips, contentment filled his system. His smile was erased when he saw the little girl giggle as a boy of her age start chasing her.

He wanted to growl. He wanted to tell the boy to back off. And so he did.

The children stopped playing and run away, leaving him and little girl. The girl looked up to him so he decided to kneel down. He noticed the waters forming in her eyes, her cheeks were reddening. "Why did you scare my friends away, Matty? D-do you hate them?"

"I- I'm sorry. I did not mean to do it. Forgive Matty, please?"

"But y-you're scary, Matty. Y-your eyes."

"Are you scared of me?"

"Yes, I'm scared, Matty. Y-you scares me."

Three simple words from a little girl broke his heart and he lost it. He grabbed her arms. "Wrong answer, Sierra. Wrong answer!"

A tear fell from her lovely eyes. She looked at him as if he took away her favorite toy and ate her favorite chocolate.

It hit him. He hurt her. He scared her.

"Sierra, baby--"

The four year old Sierra Lane Colton ran away from him.

Away from the future Alpha King.

And it broke him.

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