Chapter Eleven

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Warning: ;);););););)  (I'm writing this on Christmas Eve.  Jesus is QUAKING.)

During the car ride to Maya and Maxwell's house, I tell Phil about my encounter with Amelia.

"I reported Kara to the school," I conclude. "Did I do the right thing?"

Phil places his hand on my thigh, his eyes remaining on the road. "Dan, of course you did the right thing. You'd rather see Amelia safe and not your friend than see Amelia hurt and still your friend, right?"


"Amelia will be upset with you at first, but I expect that she'll forgive you. I don't know how anybody couldn't forgive you, Dan. I certainly could never stay mad at you. I'm glad that you told the school, but I suggest that you don't tell Lacie since whether or not she knows should be up to Amelia," Phil advises.

"Okay, I won't."

"So many people are hurting," Phil says. "Help the ones you can. I wonder how the woman we helped at the lingerie shop is doing now. I hope that she's healing. Dan, you're a superhero."

"I don't know about that," I say as Phil pulls into the driveway. We unbuckle our seatbelts and head over to the porch to ring the doorbell.

"I do," Phil whispers.

Maya and Maxwell's mum flings open the door. She already has her purse around her shoulder and her work shoes on her feet. "Hello, Dan and Phil. Thank you so much for babysitting my children. I have a meeting to attend. I left snacks on the table. Don't let Maya take Max's brownies!," she calls as she rushes out the door.

Phil closes the door and locks it. Maxwell darts over to him, and Phil picks up Maxwell and spins him around.

Maya runs over to me and hugs my leg. "I missed you. How was your sleepover, Danny?," she asks.

Phil looks at me with wide eyes.

"Oh, it was great, Maya."

"Swimming was so much fun with Aniyah! She brought an inflatable duck wearing sunglasses! What did you do with Phil, Danny?"

"Secret adult things that you'll learn about later," I reply.

Phil blushes and shakes his head.

Maya releases my leg and huffs and pouts. "I've been told that I'm mature for six."

"You are," I say.

"Then why won't you tell me? Mummy does secret adult things with Reverend Thomas, but I know that means smooooooching. Mummy and Tommy sitting in a tree. K-i-s-s-i-n-g." Maya gasps. "Were you and Phil smooooooching?"

Maxwell giggles. "Yeah, were you and Danny smooooooching?"

Phil sighs as I laugh.

"Mummy says that boys can kiss boys," Maxwell says.

"That's true," I say.

Maya's face lights up. "Does Phil kiss you, Danny?"

I look over at Phil and smile. "Yes."

Phil shakes his head and laughs.

"Phil, are you and Danny in loooooove?," Maxwell asks, looking up at Phil.

Phil's eyes lock with mine. His colorful eyes glisten as he says, "Yes."

Maya and Maxwell sing and cheer and chant.  They dance around, laughing hysterically and falling over one another.  Phil and I decide that they're too energetic to have the brownies that their mum left on the table.

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