The Joint Mission (Prologue)

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Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail.

A/N: This story is not dead. I was working on Rainbow Flames, Spirit of the Flames, and Romeo Rising when I realize that this scene would make a good chapter for Rainbow Flames. Once again story not dead. Also I decided to make this chapter the first one.

Chapter One

The Joint Mission (Prologue)

"Why am I carrying all the gear?", an eighteen-year-old Romeo complained as he lugged an oversize backpack along with three smaller backpacks while his companions walks slowly down the dirt road in front of him.

"Because you're a gentleman and volunteer to carry it for us", Chelia replied as Wendy and Beth shared a laugh.

"I didn't volunteer anything! You guys literally dropped all this crap on me!", Romeo yelled.

"Ah shucks Romeo, quit your bellyaching. Carrying heavy stuff builds character", Beth Vanderwood laughed.

"I don't need character building, I need a hand here! Wendy, help me out here", Romeo said as he looked toward his girlfriend for aid, but she merely shrugged and smiled.

"Quit whining", Chelia said as they came into a clearing, "We're camping here for the night. We will be meeting our client in the morning."

"Oh thank the gods", Romeo moans as he unceremoniously drops all the bags on the ground.

"Hey, my make-up in there!", Chelia yelled out, "Be more careful!"

"All the make-up in the world couldn't help you", Romeo grumbled though only Wendy could hear it and gave him a slight slap across the shoulder.


"Be nice", Wendy ordered, "We're on a joint mission together."

"Doesn't mean I have to like it", Romeo said.

Beth was standing at the top of a nearby hill surveying the area around them when suddenly her eyes go wide.

"Sweet tarnation! I think there's a lake over yonder!", she hollers out causing both Chelia and Wendy to come up to the hill to see for themselves.

"Wow, you're right", Wendy squealed, "It's so big and clear!"

"All in favor of going for a dip before it gets dark, say aye!", Chelia said.



"Nay!", a voice calls out as the three girls turn to see a disgruntled Romeo standing at the bottom of the hill.

"What your problem?", Chelia asked in an annoyed tone.

"In case you forgot, we still have to unpack, set up camp, start a fire along with a number of other things we have to do before anyone can even think about going for a swim!", Romeo pointed out.

"Well thank you for once again volunteering yourself", Chelia smiles, "Got to go!"

And thus the Sky God Slayer along with Beth takes off toward the lake leaving Wendy alone at the top of the hill.

"Wendy?", Romeo almost begs with a pleading face.

Wendy looks to him and toward her two friends already stripping down to jump in the lake, then back to her boyfriend.

"Sorry Romeo, I'll make it up to you, okay?", as she starts walking toward the water.

Romeo hangs his head in defeat and sluggishly walks back to the campsite to begin his tasks.

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