Hands Off!

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Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail.

A/N: Holy crap, that was a long-ass wait for this. Sorry about that. I hope you enjoy this chapter. I like to thank everyone who has support this story up to this point.

Please Review, Follow, or Fav if you want. I plan on working on Magic Council Enforcer and Romeo Falling after this chapter. Also, there are plans to release a series of drabbles in Romeo's Life where certain magic has Romeo become a fanboy for every member of Fairy Tail.

Also give my other story: Romeo Conbot: The Fiery Hurricane of Love a read if you could. I know it's a Romeo/Chelia but seeing how there are no other stories like that on the site, I figure I give it a try.

Lei: Rainbow Lightning Teacher

Kori: Rainbow Ice Teacher

Juri: Rainbow Lightning Student

Evlan: Rainbow Ice Student

This chapter was beta by BarelyProdigies.

Chapter 2

Hands Off!

The woman whose voice echoed throughout the guild hall stood at the entrance of the building, with her arms crossed underneath her large bust while throwing a not-so-friendly glare at Totomaru-sensei who returned it as his hand rested on the hilt of his sword.

"You know Lei, it's considered rude to come bursting into someone's home unannounced and hollering", the fire mage called the woman out.

This causes all of Fairy Tail, including Romeo and Wendy, to give the man a strange look while all the while thinking...

"You did the same thing like ten minutes ago."

"Eh rude, tude. I'm more concerned with this student of yours I've been hearing so much about and see with my own eyes if he really is up to stuff", the woman known as Lei said.

"I too am curious about this student of yours", Kori the ice master interjects as she appears from behind Lei, "For ever since you opened a public school for magic I figured you would never take on a pupil."

"My pupil is my top student who has used his magic for combat battling bandits and Dark Guild members", Totomaru-sensei said with pride as he pointed toward Romeo who only looks back in silence.

"Ummmm?" is all Romeo able to get out for a moment before he sees Totomaru-sensei panicking face and strike a pose, "Yes I am! I am the Number One student at Totomaru-sensei's school, Romeo Conbolt, the Rainbow Fire mage of Fairy Tail and the son of its Fourth Guild Master!"




The sounds of crickets echo throughout the hall, or at least they would have been if it wasn't for the guild hall being filled with the sound of Gajeel desperately trying to hold in his laughter.

"This is a joke, right?" Lei asks while looking Romeo up and down with a disapproving eye, "This scrawny little shrimp is your pupil?".

Wendy felt a pang of annoyance at the mention of the wrong scrawny. So Romeo wasn't buffed out like Elfman or as toned in muscles like Gajeel or Natsu but he was far from scrawny.

"Unfortunately, it seems that I must agree with Lei", the other lady suddenly said, "It would seem that we were both corrected when we told you that teaching multiple students was a waste of time and that you should have taken on a single pupil."

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