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Disclaimers: I do not own Fairy Tail

A/N: Words cannot describe how sorry I am for not updated this story sooner. I thank you all for your patience and would like to announce that any more side stories will be added to Romeo's Life due to the fact I feel it distracts from the main story.

This chapter was beta by Conbolt is Fire.

I also hear that Fairy Tail may be getting a new series, hopefully, we'll see more of an older Romeo and such.

Please review, fav, or follow, if you want and also check out Fiery Hurricane of Love, Right Claw of the Dragon King, and The Wild Master.

Chapter 5


It took Cana, Lucy, and Levy to stop Romeo from getting beat to a pulp by Laxus, Natsu, and Gajeel. It took Master Makarov and Evlan to halt Wendy and Juri was continuing their fight. It took Master Yoso to restrain Totomaru, Kori, and Lei, from having a face-off.

Finally, all this only took place because Mira off-handily mentions that Fairy Tail didn't have the funds needed to rebuild the guild hall a fourth time this year.

(It wasn't even February yet.)

As Cana, Lucy, and Levy, lecture their boyfriends on the cons of killing someone in the guild hall, Evlan tended to Juri wounds, (which she claimed she didn't have), Wendy saw to Romeo whose was still trying to get over the shock that he just stared into the three faces of death no more than five minutes ago, and finally, Totomaru, Kori, and Lei, saw to Master Yoso.

"Master Yoso", Totomaru began as he and the other two Rainbow Magic practitioners sat seiza style in front of the man who taught them each their own respective magic, "As wonderful as it is to see you in person for the first time in years...."

He then closes his eyes and lets out an annoyed sigh, directed at the two women on either side of him, "And to a much lesser extent, you two", as he ignores the electric and icy glares sent his way, "Why the sudden decision to gather us all together?"

"For once, I have to agree with the flaming idiot here", Lei added in, "Why now all of a sudden?"

Kori merely nodded her head in agreement with the other two.

"Can't an old man reunite with the children he spent a well over a decade traveling and training with?", Master Yoso asks with a laugh only to receive silence stares in return.

"Yeaahhhhh...we ain't buying that", Lei says, "Why did you really summon us, Master Yoso?"

The man lets out a sigh before speaking, "Alright if it is the truth you want then it's the truth you will get. I'm getting old, you three. Hell, I was old even back when we were traveling together."

Totomaru, Kori, and Lei watch in shocked silence as their sensei told his story for they each had the faintest of hints deep in the back of their minds on where this conversation was going and why their master gather them all together.

"I am the last practitioner of all three schools of the Rainbow Element Magic and my time is drawing to a close in this world", Master Yoso said as he looked each of his three pupils in the eyes, "It's my duty to pass my knowledge on to a student to continue the legacy of this magic. In ages past, the master has always chosen his successor through a series of tests and trials to determine who was the most qualified."

Master Yoso took a moment to take a breath and get a collective view of his students before pressing on...

"It was through this selection process that I, the former Rainbow Ice Magic pupil under Grand Master Cronus, was chosen to carry on the legacy and it will be through this same process that one of you will be given the title of Grand Master."

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