Part 1

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     "Sounds like a power a villain should have." Someone comments. You blink and glance over from your book at the indigo haired guy sitting a row away. It was common for new people to say that after learning about his quirk.

Shinsou just hums, a small bitter smile on his lips. You frown at that, you couldn't seem to talk yourself out of speaking up this time.

"That's why he'd make a great hero. Villains that are prone to monologue won't stand a chance." Your voice seemed to surprise everyone in class and you can feel them look at you. Shinsou pauses, eyes flickering to you, for a moment you meet his gaze before swiftly putting your nose back in your book.

"Hey, ___, you okay?" The student in front of you asks.

"Yeah..." You grumble.

"You know... She has a point..." Another student hums. You sigh quietly at that. Now they noticed?

You close your locker rubbing your cheek and looking to the side as someone holds up an application. "You left this on your desk." Shinsou informs you when you freeze.

"Oh. Thanks! I need to send that in today!" You gasp taking it. You put it in your satchel before peering at him since he didn't move away. You meet his gaze as he opens his mouth to say something. He pauses looking away then.

"Thanks." He murmurs before walking away. You blink after him and beforeyou can stop yourself, you move to his side.

"You're applying for UA too right?" You ask him leaning into his view. He pauses again looking at you before nodding.

"That's right." He says lightly.

"I hope you get into the heroes course then." You smile at him. His eyes widen briefly at that. "I don't like using my quirk so I'll probably end up in the General Education Department." You hum sheepishly.

"I thought you were quirkless..." He comments tilting his head.

"Maybe it would be easier if I was." You shrug starting out with him. You meet his gaze and offer a sheepish shrug. "Well, see you later Shinsou." You wave before taking your leave.

*U.A Highschool*

You walk into your classroom feeling a bit excited to start school here. You pause upon entering, spotting a familiar head of hair. "Shinsou?"

He looks over at your voice and offers a small bitter smile. "Looks like we're in the same class again." He greets.

"... No. There's clearly a mistake here." You frown looking toward the doorway. There had to be a mistake. He blinks up at you before his bitter smile relaxes into a small smirk.

"Unfortunately it's not." He sighs. You look back at him troubled. "Don't give me that look. Im not done yet." He meets your gaze. You blink feeling your chest get lighter.

"Then Im looking forward to watching you." You smile. You both pause and you fight the rush of blood to your face. "N-Not in a weird way." You cough before taking the seat beside him.

"Alright." He breathes in slight amusement.

"___." You look back as a familiar voice calls you. He tilts his head, holding up a paper. "You forgot the test review."

"Oh. Thanks Shinsou!" You smile taking it. "Honestly if it weren't for you I would be failing.." You chuckle sheepishly.

"You seem to forget important papers easily." He comments, a slight tease in his voice.

Smile ~ Hitoshi Shinsou X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now