Day 1 : Problem ? Nah...

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Brie Bella

"What??" i asked

"What were just looking each other , u know , haha'' she said as she laugh

"No dont worry im fine with that tease haha'' I said , they laugh

"So were just merge or by partners??" John asked ..

"John , let them enjoy the night , u know .." Nikki said , i rolled my eyes .

"Yeah , i just want spend my night with my bestfriend" i said ..

"See ?" she said ..

they laughed ..

"Hey , its late we better sleep , i need Beauty rest" I said jokingly ..Randy look at me

"Dont worry Brie , ur always Beautiful" Randy said ..

They all giggle ..

We went to our rooms ..

"Randy , do u want to sleep beside me??" i asked while fixing my things ..

"U , whats ur decision??" he asked , he cook for our dinner , yeah he cook , i love the man who cook .  what ? nvermind

"Ofcourse u can sleep beside me " i said ..

Randy Orton

I dont know what Brie eat , she just saying , i can sleep beside her. I dont know if i will be happy or not bcause i know she's not annul to Bryan .. She's still his wife of Bryan ..

"Yeah , ok " i just said ..

After we eat , we sleep together in one bed .. I dont know what i will react ..

Brie Bella

I woke up hugging this man beside me , and its Randy ? i quickly pull away and get up .

I saw him sleeping deeply ..

Nikki Bella

I woke up fron the call of Stephanie

Stephanie is calling ..



"Hi Steph Godd Morning!" I greet with the morning voice

"Hey Nikki , Good Morning , what i want

to say is ur suspended for 3 weeks" i was very shocked on what she said ..

"What ? Why??" i said , i almost yelled

"Because , Mr. Mark tell me that ur not participating in the activities in WWE like the fun run and the training for the champions" She said , yess , im not participating because John and i always have a dinner and lunch , ofcourse i need to have a time for my man ..

"Ok bye" i just said , i cry , i cannot have a work for almost a month .. I cant do that ..

"Hey , babe , why are u crying??"  John asked me while sitting down from the kitchen ..

"Stephanie tell me that i am ah , suspended for almost a month by Mark" i said ,

"Oh its very sick .." He just said ..

"I need to tell Brie" i said and pick up the phone again ..

Brie is ringing ...


"Brie , can we have a breakfast now??"

"Yeah sure" she said and i call ended..

"So what Brie said??" John asked while fixing the bed ..

"We just have a breakfast with them" i said

"Ok ill just go and get change" he said and went to the comfort room

After he changed , we went to the beach side , the beach side is having a tables for the couples ..

"Were here" John said .  Its very beautiful .. We saw Brie and Randy on the table in the front of their rest house ..

"Oh Brie!" i greet so we sit on their front ..

we eat and laughed but after that laughed , i became meekly , i dont know , i. remember what Stephanie said earlier ..

"So Nikki , whats going on with u and Mark??" Brie asked ..

"Well , Stephanie said that Mark told her that i was not participating on the Activities in the WWE so he suspended me .. Im very shocked u know like ofcourse i meed my time for my man and he cannot understand that??WWE is my life and i cant do that , that i will not wretle for almost a month .." i cried ..

Brie hugged me

"Dont think about that , were here for a great vacation to forget temporarily our problems so just enjoy with us" Brie said ..

"Yeah , and ofcourse Mark will do that to u cause she had no man" John said kiddingly .. We all Laughed

"How are u Randy??" i asked

"Well , im alright " he said ..

"Do u have feelings for Brie??" i asked and look to Brie

"Well , a little bit" he just said

"Nikki , dont be like that , im not annuled yet" Brie said jokingly with a jerk smile

"Randy , just wait Brie to be annuled and you can go to her" I said ..

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