The Thandem

447 15 2

Brie Bella

Were here at Jimalae Restaurant and i need to Threat my friends because of my victory against at my sister ..

"So what do you want to eat ? Drink??" I asked .

"Am salad and Champagne only here" Aj said , she sat beside John

"And you John ??" I asked ..

"Ahm , like what Aj order" He said ..

"Uughh , John you dont have a originality , you always copying what i like" Aj said jokingly , we laughed and Randy speak

"hey John , ur so weak , you cant drink liqour . Aw , ur so gay" Randy teased John ..

"dont you ever say that to me , or i will smashed your face Randy'' John said Jokingly ..

We eat our dinner

"Hey Aj , John , Im sorry , Randy and I need to go , just finish ur foods , we gotta go" I said , They smile at us ..

"Lets go Randy" i said

"Hey John , dont you ever touch Aj or else , Nikki will smashed that ugly face" Randy teased John ..

"Randy , just go !" John said .. Aj and John was left there ..

"So , Randy , Actually tomorrow , i have a leave from work so tomorrow , come with me , i need to go to annul my marriage contract" I said . He nodded , he drive and we go in our house

John Cena

Aj and I was the one who left here..

"So how r you Aj?" I asked

"well , now , if u asked me about my love life , i dont have that anymore , " she said and go back eating ..

'Well , I feel that to" i said .. She chocked from her food

"Oh no , you drink water " i said and give her a glass of water .. She drink ..

"Well , im sorry , i thought your with Nikki" she asked

"Yeah , Im with her but i feel , i dont have lovelife anymore'' i said and look evrywhere

"Its ok John,maybe you two have a problem and thats problem , you need to clear that problem" she said , I nodded..

After she finish her food , we leave ,.. I deliver her to her house.

"Bye Thanks" Aj said then she kissed me at my cheek ..

"Ahm , Bye" i said and left ..

Nikki Bella

Today , i had no match so i decided to take a time for coffee to relax myself from that annoying match last night

"Just one cappuccinno" i said and i sat on the chair

Bryan is Calling ..



"Hey Bryan what ?"

"Where are you? Can i go where ypu are??"

"Ok , im here at the starbucks"


Then a ended the call

"Hi Maam , heres your order" The girl said

"Thank u" i said and get my cappucino

I saw Bryan's Car from outside ..

After he parked the car he go outside and go towards me

"Hi" i greet


"So what do u want to do?" I asked

"Last night , i was in Jimalae Restaurant and i saw Randy and Brie after they eat , i heard what they talkin , she said , she wants to annul our marriage " he said .


So what do you think?? Is it ok ?

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