Chapter 8 | I

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«¦—Jeno's POV—¦»
P.M. 4:30. Tuesday, School Gates

I looked at the time on my watch, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

'He should be here by now...' I thought, looking up to scan the crowd of people, seeking for a familiar brown-haired male.

A little scared as all of the students fully flooded out and still no sign of Jaemin, I rushed in as I shouted his name.

"Jaemin!" I sprinted through the corridors, eyes flickering.

A whimpered erupted from the boys' bathroom, I darted towards it and bursted in.

3 boys loomed over Jaemin who's lying on the tiled floor, droplets of blood evident on the white tiles.

I growled, rushing over to them and kicked one, causing him to topple over and trip the others, creating a domino effect.

After a few moments of fighting in the bathroom, I got all of them kneeling down infront of me, all bloody and beaten up.

They gave me one last glare before scramming in fright at my demon-like glare.

I kneeled down infront of Jaemin and lifted him bridal style, running out of the bathroom and bursted out of the school.


P.M. 5:00. Tuesday, Jeno's House

I covered the bruises with gauzes and wrapped the wounds with bandages after cleaning it up.

I packed away the first-aid kit as Jaemin watched my every move, sitting on my work desk.

"You're staying here the night." I said, standing between his legs.

"Would your mother mind about it?" He asked, pouting.

"No, she won't." I replied, capturing his lips.

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