14 - nct

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Suni's POV

I only realised that I had overslept when I heard the doorbell ring, waking me up from my sleep.

I glanced at the clock to see it was nearly midday and the boys had already left for work.

I ran to the door, maybe it was Shownu who had given me his key and was coming back to check on me for lunch?

I opened the door to reveal two faces which I knew very well, except they weren't who I was expecting at all.

They stared at me while I had my mouth open in shock. "Jisung? Jaemin?"

"A human?" Jisung glanced at Jaemin before turning back to me.

"You're not... human?" I questioned quietly as a smile broke out on Jaemin's face.

"Are the boys home?"

"No they're at work right now, I didn't know you guys were close..."

"Perfect." Jaemin brushed past me and Jisung followed suit. I closed the door behind them despite feeling confused and followed them to the kitchen area.

"So how have the boys managed to keep you a secret?" Jaemin cocked his head to the side, examining me thoroughly.

"Long story." I replied. "Do you want something? A drink perhaps?"

"Oh yes." Jisung smirked. "You smell amazing, give me a little drink will you?"

"Th-there's blood bags in the fridge..."

"No, I want YOUR blood." he pointed right in my face.

"I'm only here to give blood to Monsta X... I wasn't told to feed NCT too."

"We can change that, come on, just a sip?" Jaemin backed me into the wall, his hands on either side of my head.

"Y-you'll have to ask Wonho." I stuttered.

"But he's not here." he said slowly. "We won't tell anyone about you if you just let me..."

He leaned in closer to my neck, I tensed, expecting a sharp pain from his teeth but the door suddenly flew open to reveal Wonho.

"Jaemin." he hissed. "I could smell you from a mile away, you bloodthirsty leech."

I took that as my chance to shove my knee into Jaemin's crotch causing him to double over in pain.

"Shit." he hissed. "Feisty one you got here."

"She's mine." Wonho put an arm around my shoulders possessively.

"What will happen if we tell the elders about your little toy here?" Jisung smirked. "You know we're not allowed to keep humans against their will."

Wonho moved over to him and wrapped a hand around his neck. "And what will happen if I tell them about Jaemin? That boy can't control himself, he's a ripper for sure. He'll be dead in an instant."

Jisung's eyes widened as he looked at his friend.

"Fine, we'll keep quiet as long as you keep quiet." he hissed and ripped Wonho's hand off his neck.

Wonho nodded. "Did you come here for a reason?"

"We wanted to talk to Shownu but I can see he's not here." Jaemin recovered from my kick and walked to the front door. "We'll contact him soon."

"Great, now get out of my sight."

Jisung fled after his friend, leaving the front door wide open. Wonho closed the door before turning to me.

"What brilliant idea went through your pretty head to open the door to strangers?"

I gulped. "I didn't know... there were more of you."

He sighed. "Basically half of the entertainment industry are vampires, why do you think we're so alluring? You've got to be careful, especially around this area there are a lot of vampires."

I shivered. "Noted, I won't answer the door for strangers, but why are you here?"

"I came home to bring you lunch." he pointed to the abandoned bag on the floor. "But it looks like you just woke up."

I rubbed my nape in embarrassment. "Yeah, I overslept..."

I picked up the bag and peeked inside. "Rice balls!"

"I quickly bought something from the convenience store on my way back, hopefully they're okay."

"I love rice balls, thank you baby." I sat down at the kitchen island with Wonho beside me and munched on my lunch.

He stood up after he finished eating and grabbed his bag.

"I have to get back." he kissed my forehead quickly. "Don't get into any more trouble okay Princess?"

"Okay." I smiled and waved as he left.

Vampires Do Exist ✭ MONSTA X SMUT [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now