29 - home

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Suni's POV

"Suni!" my mother gasped as a familiar pain shot through my head. "You're home."

I was crying, but I had no idea why until the memories started flashing in front of my eyes.

"M-mum..." I sobbed out and fell into her embrace.

"It's okay." she cooed and stroked my hair gently as I cried harder. "You don't have to explain a thing, I already know what happened."

"You do?" I pulled back and blinked at her through my tears.

She nodded, tears forming in her own eyes. "Do you know why you remember everything?"

I shook my head, desperate to understand why the compulsion didn't work on me.

"Sweetie, you should probably take a seat." she led me to the lounge and sat me down before taking a seat next to me.

I stared at her with wide eyes as she collected herself.

"I set a spell on this house to break any compulsion that was placed on us outside."

"Wait, what? A spell?" I asked in disbelief, was she playing with me?

"I'm a witch. Well, you are too but you just haven't harnessed your powers. When those boys came over to compel us, we pretended that it worked so that they wouldn't harm you. I knew who they were because of the posters in your room so I decided to let you take charge, although I kept an eye on you to make sure you were safe."

"So that time I saw you outside the kitchen window... I wasn't hallucinating! You were actually there!"

"No sweetie." she laughed softly. "I used a location spell so that I could see where you were, I was there in spirit."

"Wow." I gasped out, feeling a bit light headed from the all the information.

"Wow indeed." she repeated but her expression turned to concern. "Is there a reason you're back home so soon?"

I started tearing up again and looked down at my lap. "They sent me home because it was too dangerous for me to stay around vampires."

She nodded in understanding. "It's never a good idea for a non-vampire to stay with vampires. They could have been punished because of you, I'm surprised they even agreed to let you stay in the first place."

"I miss them." I sobbed out. "It's only been a few days but I miss them so much."

"I understand Suni. It's for the best though, you know that? Your father and I missed you so much."

"I know mum, I missed you too." I hugged her tightly.

"You seem strangely calm about the fact that you're a witch."

"After finding out vampires exist, nothing can surprise me. I wouldn't even be surprised if werewolves and demons exist."

"They do." she said with a straight face.

"A few months ago I thought I was a normal human living in a relatively boring yet normal universe." I sighed.

"I can teach you spells now." she beamed. "I was hoping you'd never find out about the supernatural existence but since you're taking it so well, I think I can trust you to not bewitch everyone."

"Mum, no offence but I don't really care about that fact I'm a witch right now. I just want to go back to Wonho and let him know I remember again."

"Please Suni, I just got you back... don't leave me again. You're much safer here."

I bit my lip before nodding slightly. "Okay."

Maybe I could visit him secretly? I could ask my mother to teach me how to do that location spell...

"I'm really tired so I'm going to sleep." I told her as a yawn escaped my mouth.

"Sure, I'll let Umi know that you're back. She went crazy when she found out you'd suddenly left."

I nodded. "Good idea."

I laid down in my old bed which felt really unnatural now that I'd spent months lying between Minhyuk and Wonho.

I fell asleep almost instantly and was woken up a few hours later by the doorbell. I didn't move, waiting to hear voices when my mother opened the door but the doorbell rang again.

"Mum! The door!" I yelled down the stairs.

"It's for you!" she yelled back.

"You could have opened it for me." I mumbled but shuffled over to the door to open it.

My eyes widened as I looked at the person who had rang the bell. They immediately stepped forward and engulfed me in a hug before I could say anything.


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