37 - boy or girl?

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Suni's POV

The members and I travelled to France, England, Italy and several other European countries. It was becoming increasingly difficult for me to cast an invisibility spell when the baby inside me was draining me of my energy.

Once we got back to Seoul I was just over 4 months pregnant and if the pregnancy test had told me I wasn't pregnant, the showing bump indicated that I was definitely growing another life in my womb.

Wonho and I were on our way to get an ultrasound to find out the sex of our baby.

"Do you still think we're having a girl?" I asked him as he drove along the busy roads.

"Definitely." he said with so much confidence that it made me wonder if he had some sort of vampire ability to see inside my belly.

"Well I still think little Hyun is inside here-" I stopped when I felt a tiny kick and slowly looked down at my baby bump.

"Suni? You okay?" Wonho asked when he noticed I'd stopped talking.

"I felt the baby kick." I whispered, suddenly filled with happiness.

"Really?" his voice rose excitedly and he almost forgot to look back at the road.

"Mhm." my voice trembled and I took his hand to put on my belly as we had stopped at traffic lights.

"Say something." I encouraged him.

"Areum are you there?" he said gently, his eyes trained on his hand.

The kick was harder this time, making him gasp and look up at me with a large smile.

"I felt it."

I nodded and looked out the window as we pulled into the hospital parking lot.

"It's definitely a girl, Areum kicked to let me know she was there~" Wonho parked the car and took my hand in his.

"Let's make a bet then." I grinned. "If it's a girl, you get to choose to do whatever you want to me. If it's a boy... I get to choose your punishment."

"Deal." he grinned back and got out the car before running around to open my door for me.

Luckily we didn't have to wait long for a doctor to see us and I was soon laying down with my stomach exposed.

The gel was spread over my belly before the doctor moved the probe around and looked at the screen. I couldn't stop the smile spreading across my face when I saw the small foetus shaped object.

"It's a girl." he announced.

"YES!" Wonho fist pumped the air and grinned at me. "I told you."

"As you are only 16 weeks pregnant there's a possibility that the baby might be a boy but at the moment it looks like you're having a girl."

I nodded, not caring about the fact I had originally wanted a boy. I was too excited to see my baby on the screen.

That was, until I noticed Wonho's raised eyebrows and suspicious smirk.

"You're in for it." he mouthed.

I thanked the doctor and we made our way back to the car, the air buzzing with new-found excitement.

"Daddy knew baby Areum was in there." Wonho cooed and gently touched my swollen belly. "I love you more than mummy ever will."

I raised an eyebrow and gave him an unamused glare. "Just because we found out she's a girl doesn't mean I will love Nari any less."



"Nareum? Ari?" he stared out the window as he tried to think of a middle ground.

I sighed. "I guess Areum isn't that bad. Although I prefer Nari."

He smiled. "And for that, I'll soften your punishment which will commence as soon as we get back to the dorm."

I gulped. "Wh-what's the punishment?"

He tapped his nose and put my seatbelt on for me before driving home.

"What's the sex?" Minhyuk asked as soon as we entered through the front door.

"Female." Wonho beamed.

"Aww, mini Suni! That means you can't name her Minhyuk though."

I giggled and let Wonho lead me to our room.

"Hey love birds, can I date your daughter? Maybe she'll be even more beautiful than her mother."

Kihyun immediately slapped Minhyuk around the head.

"Hey! You call me a pervert but you're asking to date their kid?!"

"I'm joking geez." Minhyuk rubbed his sore head with a pout. "We don't age though so in two decades she will look the same age as us."

"If you lay even a finger on my daughter you will die." Wonho growled and slammed the door to the bedroom shut.

"Calm down baby." I laughed softly and backed myself onto the bed when he moved forward with a predator-like way.

He climbed on top of me and peppered kisses along my jaw.

"Are you ready for your punishment?"

I nodded weakly.

"I'm going to pleasure you and I don't want you to do anything okay? Just stay still and let me do all the work."

I bit my lip worriedly. "But I want to pleasure you too..."

"I'll be satisfied enough watching you squirm from my touch."

I watched as he pulled down my shorts and underwear, his finger sliding inside my already wet core. Since I got pregnant I've been feeling even more horny and I seem to be lubricating myself all the damn time.

He laid his tongue flat against my clit and started moving slowly up and down and side to side. Soon enough he sped up his pace and I was grabbing the sheets, pleasure rolling in waves throughout my body.

"Baby~" I gasped out when he pushed two fingers inside me whilst keeping his tongue moving.

The stimulation mixed with how turned on I was made me orgasm only minutes after he'd began thrusting his fingers. He kept his fingers inside as I pulsed around them and slowly pulled them out, lubrication dripping over my legs.

"Someone would think we have a crap sex life with how quickly you orgasm." he raised an eyebrow and put his fingers into his mouth.

I blushed a bright red and sat up once he'd helped put my clothes back on.

"Did you enjoy it?" he sat beside me and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"I loved it, I always do." I kissed him.

"I feel like I'm not doing enough to make you comfortable." he pouted.

"You're doing perfect baby." I reassured him. "I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend."

"Not even Minhyuk?"

"Not even Minhyuk." I raised an eyebrow. "Why are you bringing him up all of a sudden?"

"He keeps making jokes about being the father and you two used to date so it makes me feel jealous."

"Wonho you don't need to feel jealous you silly bunny."

He laughed at the animal name and squashed me in a hug, making sure to not put pressure on my stomach.

"I love you." he breathed out.

"I love you more."

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