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"What do you think you're doing?" I ask as Minhyuk steps in front of me, opening my coat and closing it with his back to my chest.

It's early spring, but it's still cold.

"You're hot" he says and laughs, and we both walk in a weird way down the street, but Minhyuk does not seem to care.

"You left late today," I say, worried.

It's became a habit for me to accompany him for a part of the journey after he leaves work.

"It's all right. I don't have classes tomorrow"

"When you start selling your art on the beach, let me buy it."

He laughs even more.

"Would that be my dream?" he jokes "By the way, what's yours?"

The question catches me by surprise. The last time I heard something like that, it was from your lips. And I decide to answer what I answered that day.

"I want to move up in the company where I am and get stabilized..."

"Oh, no" he stops in the middle of the road and turns to face me; we are paralyzed face to face in the middle of the sidewalk with the sound of the horns beside us "I'm not talking about it, I'm talking about your dreams. Something you always wanted to do, even if it seems impossible"

I realize that I had never stopped to think about it. I wanted to be independent, but I also wanted to be proud. I tried to be a good student, a good son, a good employee, a good boyfriend, and so all my plans were shaped under the expectations of those around me.

Minhyuk sees the emptiness in my eyes when I can't recognize dreams in me and his smile disappears for a second, before returning even greater. He comes closer and touches my face with his warm hands, since they were hidden by his coat.

"Don't worry," he says softly. "Maybe it's fun, you know. Discover a dream."

My eyes are focused again, and I sigh, relieved. For some reason, I trust what Minhyuk says.

Make it Work | WonHyuk (Eng. Ver.)Where stories live. Discover now