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It was Minhyuk who decided to post in my social medias that I had passed in the entrance exam.

I was cuddled on the couch in my living room and Lee switched channels faster than I could see what was going on in each one. I don't know when he got into the habit of coming here, but it had happened.

I hoped it would continue because when I started my studies and tried to reconcile with work, we would have less time together.

My phone beeps and I open the application, noticing a comment from you in my post. You congratulate me on my new phase and I feel a sad smile forming on my face. I don't quite understand what kind of feeling I have now, as long as I see your good wishes for me, after so many months - and we'll count it in years soon - without us talking. On the one hand, I wanted you to be here to see this, just as you have seen so many other of my achievements over the years, but I wonder if this achievement in particular would have been reached if you hadn't gone.

Would you have insisted on asking me about my dreams? Would you have asked me about my wishes? Would you really make me want to find out myself?

It's not your fault either, and memory hurts less. I can remember precious things and the desire to cry can be arrested more easily. You couldn't save me, too, could you? You're busy saving yourself, discovering yourself and your own dreams.

You're working well and I'm trying to work, too. Maybe you have found the new battery of your broken watch ...

"I'll make you a sweet drink," Minhyuk stands up. "It's going to be the chocolate cappuccino of victory," he says, jumping up to my kitchen.

Maybe I found mine, too.

Make it Work | WonHyuk (Eng. Ver.)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant