Chapter 1- Where have I heard that name?

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"There's gonna be a new kid, did you hear!?" Kiana exclaimed in excitment.

"Great, just what the school needs. Is it a girl?" I replied in an annoyed tone.

"Nope! He's in our grade, and his name is Zayn. Isn't that such a cool name?"

"Not really, it's weird. We don't need a new guy, all the girls will be basically tripping over him if he's cute. It's just gonna cause drama. And why are you so excited missy? Yoou have a boyfriendd!" I smiled while holding the "o" in you just a bit too long. 

"I know I do, and I love my Nialler! But, you don't. And maybe Zayn doesn't have a girlfriend?" She winked at me and laughed.

Wait. Zayn... Zayn.. Why does that name seem familiar? Where have I heard that name before? Or seen it? "Yeah right," I laughed. "Hey, Kiana, have we heard that name before?" I asked still confused if I'd heard it before. I knew I had.  

"No, I don't think so...?"

"Oh.. k." I smiled trying to hide my confusion. "Do you know his last name?"

"So you are intrested! But no I don't, we'll find out in a couple days though. Summer's over in 3 days." Kiana answered while pouting. 

I didn't mind school, I kind of like seeing everyone every day. "Ok.. And did you do your summer reading yet?" I asked, knowing she hadn't.

".....No," She had too big of a guilty smile and I couldn't help but laugh. 

"Kiana!!! You need to do it this year!"

"LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOUU! " She screamed while puting her hands over her ears.

"Whatever, but if your mom doesn't let you come over here cause of your bad grades I'm gonna get you!" I exclaimed trying to pry off her hands from her ears. 


 "SHUTUP; I KNOW, I KNOW!" I screamed to my alarm pushing it off my desk in a sleepy gaze. 6:00 a.m. Okay, maybe I didn't miss school as much as I thought I did. Picking up my alarm clock from the floor, I noticed I broke it... whoops. 

Starting my daily school routine, I went straight to my bathroom, bringing my phone and ipod. I plugged my ipod in having Taylor Swift's new single blast as I danced around to move  myself to my closet. First  day of school, kind of important, right? Dress worthy? Nah. I picked up an off-white shirt that flowed, making my figure show. Then just jean shorts, that ended right above my knee. Ew, I hate this song, heard it too much, I started playing The Fray's song, Look After You instead.I layed the clothes down on my bathroom counter, to change into after I did hair and makeup. 

Hearing my straightener beep, I picked it up and started gliding it down each lock of hair. I continued this for every lock around my head, then letting the next layer of hair down. Straightening my hair didn't take long, so I was finished fairly quick. I decided to put it into a high pony tail to let my sparkling earrings show. Onto the next step in my process; makeup! Should I do more then my daily look? I'll add a shimmer eyeshadow. After applying the light coat of eyeshadow I did my normal look, black eyeliner only on the top,and with a small cat eye. Then black mascara to the top and bottom lashes. 

"DELILAH TURN YOUR MUSIC DOWN!" My dad screamed up to my room.


I hate the first day of school, too many confused people all in one space. Thankfully my bus was pretty empty though, just me and Kalli, then maybe 10 other people. We always sat next to eachother, but she was very school focused so during the school year she's always extra- studying on the bus. But on the first day, she's always telling me how excited but nervous she is. It's funny considering every year she basically says the same thing, word for word. 

"What if this year is even harder? What if I fail? No I can't fail, if I try hard I won't. Right? I don't know... But this is so exciting, Delilah! Oh, and the new kid, maybe he'll be cute," she laughed while flipping her bright red hair to the left trying to get her sidebangs out of her eyes. 

"Yeah," I replied smiling not really listening, only hearing the name. The new guy, Zayn... I've been trying to think of where I know that name from. It's so eccentric I don't think it could be any other Zayn. Maybe when I see his face I'll recongnize him, if it is the him I'm thinking about. 


Stepping off the bus I already saw everyone so crowded, and I tried to spot out Kiana. Brown hair, pink tips; where is she? While being squeezed through the front doors I spotted her, in a cute blue and white striped dress, ending at her knees. Trying to push myself through everyone I finally caught up to her, "Kiana! You look so pretty," I smiled as she turned around to see me.

"Thanks, you too Del!" She responded with a smile engraved on her face. She loved the first day of school.

And yes, my nickname from her was Del; I hate it, but I let her call me it. She thought of the name the first time we went to go get Del's lemonade.

"You excited?" I laughed while starting to walk with her. 

"Yeah, I can't wait to see my Nialler!  Have you seen Zayn yet?" 

"You just saw him yesturday though!" I said laughing at her being so in love, "And no, I haven't,"

"I have, he's hott! Girls are already trying to get to him, he brushes them off nicely though. It's weird, maybe he's in some of your classes and you can get to know him though," 

"Right, cause I'm so good at making new friends. Anyways, I don't need a boyfriend or whatever, I have my bestfriend, you!" I poked the top of her nose making her and me laugh.

"Mhhhhhmmmmmm, you just wait until you see him. You might have a change of heart." She winked as we parted to go to our first class.

Hopefully Zayn was in my first class, I swear I've seen his name before somewhere. Or I've talked to someone with that name. I don't know, the chances that I actually know him are like one in a million. There's gotta be another Zayn in the world, right?  

I looked around the classroom, and saw an unfamilar face; it must be him. And the only available seat was next to him, so I walked over and sat down placing my books on the desk. Did he seem familar?  Very. Did I know where I knew him from? Not a clue. 

He turned around in his seat, well Kiana was right, he's attractive. Very attractive. "Hey, I'm Zayn," he held out his hand and I reached out to shake it. 

"I'm Delilah, you must be the new guy?"

"Pretty name," he smiled then continued, " yeah, I'm surprised I found my way to the classroom actually."

Did he just say my name was pretty? He better not be flirting, I don't even know him; I think. Wait, his eyes. I knew those eyes, a reflective brown. From where? Where in the world would I have met him? I almost never go outside of my house unless it's school or I'm going to Kiana's. I'm always on my laptop. My laptop! Maybe from twitter? Twitter, yes! Some guy named Zayn... Zayn what? It started with a M.. Mak?  Maki? Malik. Zayn Malik followed me and started messaging me like a month ago. "Uhm, yeah," I  answered late and smiled. What was his last name? 

Class started and we got handed loads of sheets of paper,  one asking us to write our name. I looked over to his paper to see him writing under "Name".

Zayn Malik.  


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TornOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora