Chapter 10- Unexpected.

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There's no previously this time cause of all of the mixed p.o.v's last chapter. xx

Chapter 10- Unexpected.

*Zayn's P.O.V*

"I'm not sure, just keep observing him, we can't follow his brain activity," A deep voice boomed, it seemed so close, but un touchable?

"Has he shown any signs? Has anyone reported any signs? Should we test it?" Test what? What's going on? Why can't I speak back? And why can I hear them? 

"No signs whatsoever, then again he's had no visitors," Visitors? Where am I? Why do I need visitors? What signs? Signs of what?

"There's nobody he's apparently close too, we can't get any more information. We called his parents but they disreguarded the call, and said they didn't care," Okay where am I. Who is talking? Why can't I talk back? 

"All right... Well what else can we do besides wait for him to wake up? Obviously we can't do tests,"

I give up. I have absolutely no clue what's going on.

"There's nobody? Double check. Call again, ask if he's had any childhood friends? Considering he may not remember anything," The voice seemed to start to get farther and farther away.

'"Okay, I'll get back to-" was the last thing I heard. 

*Matt's p.o.v*

I was on my way to the hospital, why? Zayn Malik.  They said that I was there only hope to help Zayn wake up. What even happened? Why was he in the hospital? No clue. Did I care why? Not one bit. Did I care he was in the hospital? It broke my heart, he's my bestfriend.

Zayn was driving somewhere I guess and he crashed. So, as soon as the hospital called saying I could help Zayn wake up from a coma, I grabbed my keys in a heart beat. I'd be Zayn's hero if I was the one to wake him up. Then maybe, just maybe he'd love me back. Oh and, I'm in love with Zayn if you haven't guessed. 

The doors automatically opened as I walked towards them. I hated hospitals, too much white, and the smell of everything sterile was intoxicating. Then again I don't think many people favored being in a hospital. 

"Hi, I'm here for Zayn Malik?" I stated/asked the lady behind the desk. She looked up at me with a sweet smile,

"Here sweetie, his room is right down that hall, doctors are waiting for you so don't worry about getting lost,"

I took her instructions and followed where she pointed to, the hall with many doctors in it. 

"You must be Matthew?" One of the men in a lab coat asked me.

"Call me Matt, but yeah,"

"Okay so, we need you to do some tests for Zayn. I know you must be very confused, but I'll explain everything, take a seat," he pointed to a white couch, shocker it was white, and I sat down. "All right, he got into a car accident, he was headed towards his home I'm guessing? Zayn has never been admitted into this hospital, so we're guessing a lot here. I need some input from you if you have any information. Does Zayn live in or near this town, Bridgewater?"

"Yes he lives in Bridgewater, with me. His parents kicked him out and I'm his bestfriend so he moved in with me," The doctor scribbled everything on his clip board.

"All right. Well, he was driving I'm assuming on his way to your house when he crashed, did he tell you anything about coming home?" 


"Okay. Well someone on the side saw he crashed and called 911, he's been in a coma since. Do you know if he's in a relationship?"

"He isn't,"

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