Chapter 9- Moving Forward.

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Folding the small paper, I put it in my pocket.  No, the paper wasn't my speech. It was the inspiration for my speech, a printed picture of Delilah and I on prom night.  I went back to my seat, and went through the rest of the funeral, missing my baby that I'd never hold again. What was I going to do with my life? She was my life. So basically, I have no reason to live anymore. 

 Chapter 9- Moving Forward.

Zayn's p.o.v-

It'd been 5 years, and she still never seems to escape my mind. No matter what I'm doing, I'm always thinking of her perfect face, her perfect laugh, her perfect eyes, how perfectly she did everything. 

 Over these 5 years I've accomplished almost nothing. After I graduated highschool I didn't bother going to college, I only needed to support myself considering I hate my family, and Delilah's gone and I'll never love anyone else, I didn't want to do that; I couldn't. So I just go to clubs or small places where I get gigs to perform a couple songs that I've written. I learned how to play guitar now, so that helps me get jobs too. Besides that, I just got a job at a local bar, I start tomorrow. Can't wait to smell like alcohol and be around drunk people all the time....Not. 


"Shutup! I never asked for your opinion, did I?" I spoke through the phone my voice raising in annoyance and anger.

"Well, I am your father and no matter what you say or do, I always will be, so get over it. " He replied harshly to me as I rolled my eyes and ended the call. I shoved my phone back into my jeans pocket groaning realizing that I had to drive to my new job.  

I got into my car and thought of Delilah.. How she wouldv'e hated me getting this job.. How she would've held onto me until I called and quit.. Do I have a choice though? Unless I feel like starving to death because of not having money for food I'd better have this job. And I was accepted for the job so I better take it, no matter how gross it'll make me smell. My phone began to vibrate again as I was driving and I thought it was my father but just in case, I answered anyways. I was greeted by a different voice than my father, 

"Zayn! It's Harry!"

How'd he still have my number? Or a better question, why? We hadn't talked since graduation and now he's calling me. Okay..? "Oh hi Harry," I responded. 

"How've you been man?" He asked me sincerley.. Honestly I'm not even sure how to answer that. Obviously not truthfully to him, but to myself.. How have I been? Not terrible.. I guess. I've been getting better since Delilah...passed. But I'm clearly not back into my normal life habits, and I haven't had a genuine smile since the last time I heard someone else say the name Delilah, and that was a long time ago since I basically shut everyone out of my life.

"Fine and yourself? How's everything with Brittney going?"  I decided I mine as well start a conversation.

"We're actually getting married.. Which is why I'm calling you, I needed your address to send the invitation to?" His voice was filled with happiness as he spoke through the phone.

"That's great! I'm so happy for you two," I went on and on about how I was happy for them and gave him my address. I wonder what it's like to be that happy and know you'll be that happy for the rest of your life because you'll be with the person you love. "Hey Harry I've got to go, but I'll see you soon." I said as I drove into the parkinglot for the bar. Oh how I hate being here. 

****LIAM'S POV!**** 

"Don't even try, you're just making yourself look like an idiot....More than you already are." I spoke harshly to her, as Alli squeezed my hand for reassurance that I was doing good. 

"You love me! I know you do Liam, you never stopped! I'm sorry I ran off but I had to, my family needed me!" She yelled back to me in a pleading way.

"And all you left me was a note saying 'bye'? Real convincing that you loved me too. And no, I don't love you, otherwise I wouldn't be married, but hey! Look at that!" I said holding up my left hand, showcasing my ring, "I am married! So go run off to where ever you left me last time." The power in my voice increased.. I'd never been this mean to anyone before but she did deserve it. And she shouldn't be talking to me like this infront of my wife, or at all. 

"Liam, please, I'm sorry okay. I'm sorry. Just please come back to me? I'll never hurt you ever again! I love you!" She was begging now. 

"You expect me to just divorce Ali for you...? Yeah, keep dreaming sweet heart." 

"Why do you think they invented divorce papers and whatever? So people like you can realize you don't love them then go back to who you know you love, which in this case is me." Her tone became intense, which made me just decide to say goodbye. Did I still love her? Well, she was my first love so theres that feeling that'll never fade but it's not worth it. I love Ali with all of my heart, and nobody could ever change that. 

"Get out of my life Kalli." I said to her, making her mouth drop in shock. 

I took Ali's hand again and we walked out of the resturant, trying to hide our smiles on how funny that truely was. Her face was priceless, as if she actually expected me to crawl back to her. 

"You alright babe?" Ali asked me after we got out of the resturant that we left Kalli behind in. 

We both started laughing knowing how we both still couldn't get what just happened out of our heads, and how desperate she'd really became. "I'm great. But  I'm hungry considering we just left the resturant without getting anything... Where do you want to go love?" I asked her as I kissed her nose and started walking down the sidewalk with her. 

"Ummm..How about Friendly's!?" She suggested and smiled widely. 

"They take foreeevveerr! But anything for you babe!" We both smiled and walked further into the town  looking for the nearest Friendly's.

****Louis's POV!****

She's perfect. I just can't even describe every perfect thing about her to you. From the way that she plays guitar all the time, to when she falls asleep with her head on my lap as I play with her hair. Even her name is perfect, Ashley Lavere. But it'd be even more perfect if I could make it Ashley Tomlinson.

"Boobear, are you okay?"  She looked up at me with a bit of worry in her eyes. 

"Hm? Oh-oh yeah!" I  tried to sound like I wasn't hiding something, but didn't do it very well; she saw right through me. 

"What's wrong Lou?" She looked at me with her puppy eyes... What if she never called me Lou again after I told her? What if she cries? What if she...What if she left me? Would 'im sorry' be enough?

"Ash... We need to talk about something. Because we're always completely honest with one another and tell eachother everything. I'm not going to makeup any excuses because I know it was wrong and I'm sorry... I couldn't be anymore sorry than I am... I'm sorry beyond sorry can be worth. And I know words don't mean much but you need to believe me when I say I'm sorry." 

She nodded and sat up seriously, now looking me in the eyes. " I... I kissed Meg earlier. Well, she kissed me but I kissed back. But then I pushed her away, I promise! I didn't mean to kiss back, I really didn't but I did and I can't take it back and I love you so much and please just don't..don't leave me  I don't know what I'd do without you and I just.. I love you s-" I was interupted by her lips pressing against mine, why I don't know but I wasn't going to refuse this. I moved my lips in sync with hers as she pressed harder against mine. She pulled away and then took my hands in hers,

"Sh..Shh. It's okay... I mean it's not neccessarily okay that you kissed another girl but, thankyou for being completely honest and not trying to make up excuses. But, I have to go, okay? I'll see you later, I have to go to work for a little bit. And I promise I'm never leaving you." She let go of my hands, kissed me softly then took her purse and left... Was she going to leave me? 

A/N: Sorry for such a delayed update but here it is. x  

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