Chapter 4- What's going on?

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"Comon, the movie is gonna start soon!" Niall said while shoving popcorn into his mouth making Kiana giggle. All of us got into the theatre and took our seats in the very last row, then of course, me next to Zayn. He put his arm around me, knowing it'd make me even more uncomfortable. 

About half way through the movie, Kiana and Niall were snogging for atleast 5 minutes straight. Zayn looked at me, and smiled. "No," I whispered to him.

"I'll get what I want, when I want it." He crashed his lips with mine.

Chapter 4- What's going on?

Already two weeks had passed by; extremely slow. A lot had been going on, Zayn was still black mailing me, and new relationships had begun. Ashley and Louis started dating after he asked her out when he brought her to get coffee, and Meg didn't like the idea of Lou having a girlfriend. Meg and Louis had been best friends literally forever. Their moms were bestfriends through college then both got pregnant around the same time, so Lou and Meg got together even before they were one year old. They always have had feelings for eachother, but Louis didn't want to ruin anything and Meg understood that. But this was the first time Louis had a real relationship, and she wasn't liking the idea. Meg never favored Ashley very much, even before she started dating Louis. Ashley was the type of girl who was hilarious, popular,talented, and beautiful. She had it all, and now she even had Lou. Today was the first day, Meg didn't sit with us at lunch; Louis never even noticed she wasn't there.

Besides that, Kiana and Nialler were doing extremely well. Lucky for me Niall had been taking Kiana on a lot of dates lately so I didn't have to continue building off of lies to let her know I was okay. 

Do I like being sort of popular? I guess. Zayn was the most attractive guy our school has, and he was my "boyfriend" so some popularity came from just that. However today was when I had to audition for the lead role in Drama club. I was going for the part of Sleeping Beauty; the play was a mash up with all fairy tales in one. I was going at around 5:00 PM to the school for auditions with Kalli, Meg, and Brittney. But for now it was the end of the day, and everyone was loading on the buses. I was meaning to talk to Kalli, she seemed overly happy about Zayn and I. I just wasn't sure how to bring the subject up. 

"Hey!" she smiled excitedly as she sat down besides me, sliding her bag down to our feet. 

"Hi," I returned with a smile. 

"You okay? You seem down. Is anything wrong?" She had asked me this everyday for the past week. "How are you and Zayn? Did something happen?!" Her smiled faded. 

"Me and him are fine, we're doing well actually." I told her, but her smile didn't return like it normally would. I knew I had to say something convincing to get her to believe me, "We were planning on hanging out soon, just me and him probably at his house. I'm so excited!" I smiled trying to bring joy to her face. 

She bought it, "Aw that's great! You two are so cute, like the perfect couple." 

"Thanks, I think so too," I think that's the biggest lie I've ever told. Hah. But me and Zayn were supposedly getting together soon, so everyone would still believe what we had was real. "So, are you nervous about trying for the play? What part are you going for?" I tried to change subject. 

"Ariel! I think I have a good chance of getting it,too. Considering I have red hair," she laughed as she flipped her hair back. "And you?"

"I'm gonna try for Sleeping Beauty," 

"That part would be perfect for you! But you know if you get it, you have to kiss another guy unless Zayn is trying for the part." 

Oh.. Yeah... Forgot about that part. "Oh yeah... Erm, should I try for like cinderella?" 

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