Chapter 2- Just the start of it.

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Did he just say my name was pretty? He better not be flirting, I don't even know him; I think. Wait, his eyes. I knew those eyes, a reflective brown. From where? Where in the world would I have met him? I almost never go outside of my house unless it's school or I'm going to Kiana's. I'm always on my laptop. My laptop! Maybe from twitter? Twitter, yes! Some guy named Zayn... Zayn what? It started with a M.. Mak?  Maki? Malik. Zayn Malik followed me and started messaging me like a month ago. "Uhm, yeah," I  answered late and smiled. What was his last name? 

Class started and we got handed loads of sheets of paper,  one asking us to write our name. I looked over to his paper to see him writing under "Name". 

Zayn Malik.  


Chapter 2- Just the start of it. 

Everyone was slowly getting back into the hang of things, same habbits, same routines. At lunch it was me, Kiana, Niall, Brittney, Ashley, Allison (who we called Alli), Liam, Meg, Harry, Louis, Kalli, and now Zayn? He sat next to Kalli, inbetween her and Louis. Kalli greeted him and welcomed him to the table... She knew him? How? Oh yeah... She's probably had a class with him. Everyone didn't seem very surprised he came to the table, except me. We never invited anybody to this table, it was always just us. Kiana noticed I was out of it and elbowed me, making me realize everyone was staring at me. "What?" I asked knowing I missed something. They all just laughed, making my cheeks turn new shades of pink.

"I saiiidd," exhauggerating the word 'said' Kalli continued, " have you met Zayn? He's the new guy!" She giggled and poked his arm playfully as he let out a small chuckle. 

"Yeah, he's in one of my classes," I smiled gently as I looked down to my food suddenly not hungry anymore. My stomach dropped, as I had just noticed something.  He knew; everything. Every thing I hated about my life, and myself.  I thought I'd be able to trust him, never knowing he would move anywhere near my school. He just smiled at me, as my face drained of color leaving it lifeless and pale. I felt like I was going to be sick. Kiana put her hand on my shoulder knowing something was up, and whispered "Details later" in my ear without anyone noticing. I nodded.

Everyone at the table just continued talking, besides me of course. Nobody seemed to notice I wasn't speaking; which was good. Thoughts just were racing through my mind, all what if?'s. 

What if he already told everyone? What if he didn't recognize me? What if he was secretly giving me an evil grin instead of a friendly smile? Did I interperate everything wrong? What if he was going to tell Kiana? She'd be heartbroken I never told her any of these secrets.  What if everyone hated me now? What if I lost everyone close to me? Oh, wait.. I only had Kiana. But what if I lost her? What would  happen then? I'd have more to tell on my twitter, and him more to find out.

 "Delilah? Delilaahh...?" I snapped my head over to see Brittney out streching her hand towards me with a 'come on' motion. "We have our next class together, we have to goo," I stood up while waving bye to everyone, then seeing Zayn give me another smile. What kind of smile though? Did he know it was me?  


"So what do you think of him so far?" Kalli asked me with so much joy in her eyes.

Obviously by "him" she mean't Zayn.

"He's.. cool," I smiled reassuring her that's what I really thought.  

"Is it okay I invited him to our table? He is just new and stuff.. I didn't mean to like ruin our friendship, I hope I didn't!" There she went again, babbling on and thinking over things.

I showed her a genuine smile, "No you didn't, don't worry. I like him, he seems nice. I can't wait to get to know him." I said, lieing straight to her face perfectly fine. I was quite the liar, and may I say I think I'm fairly good at it. I can even lie to Kiana, from all the times she's asked me if I was okay and I'd just be able to answer "Yes, I'm fine," with a realistic smile. 

"Okay, good. Do you liikkeelikee him by any chance?" she giggled. 

This really caught my attention. Why did she just ask me that? "I barely know him Kalli, forget likelikee." I replied with a fake laugh following behind my words. 

Her smile dropped a bit, " Do you atleast think he's cute?" 

Why was she asking this? And why did she seem disappointed? Why did my opinion of him matter? "Yeah, of course, doesn't every girl in our school?" I answered her honestly.

"I guess soo, yeah," her smile fading more and more. The joy in her eyes becoming some what dull.  

The bus came to a screeching stop, making my face squish against the seat infront of me.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow?"

I nodded as she grabbed her bag and pulled out her phone, and began to walk off the bus.

The next stop was mine.  


Zayn Malik... Zayn Malik.. Where are you?  There! I started going to the top of all the messages I'd sent him on twitter. I basically spilled every single one of my secrets. He was probably planning how to tell everybody, that'd gain him popularity easily. 

My phone started playing Torn by Natalie Imbruglia.  I picked it up, with the name "Kiana ! <3 " popping  up. I really didn't feel like talking, lieing, to her right now, but I answered anyways. 

"Hey, whatsup?" I asked her trying to avoid her question I knew that was coming soon.

"Nothing, are you doing anything?"

"Nope, just starting homework,"

"All right, I'm gonna ride over in a couple mintues. See you soon ! Love you, bye !" She said while hanging up.

I was just about to shut my laptop, until I got a notification- 1 DM- Zayn Malik.

I hesitantly opened it, dropping my mouth while reading it. 

I know it's you, and no I have'nt told anybody quite yet. Wait until Kiana finds out, what''ll happen then, huh? So, the question is "Lexie", what do you plan on doing to try and make me stop from telling someone? And why would I stop at someone, when I can tell everyone. 

Oh, and me? Why am I being so mean? What do I want? Popularity. I've been that kid in the back, with no friends. Nobody to talk to, always being lonely. Why do you think I moved?  Anyways, the point is you can make me popular, or your secrets can. Here is your choice, either you pretend to be my girlfriend, and you get the main role in the play (so you become more popular), orr I tell all your secrets, Kiana first to find out. You choose. 

 Hearing the front door open, she yelled "Hey it's Kiana!" 

A/N: How'd everyone like it? I love feedback c: ! I'm asking for 5 votes and atleast 50 reads for the next chapter. Sorry for any typos, I did this fairly quick. c: 

Love you all :) xx 

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