Chapter 7- Hope.

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I absolutely hate this chapter. I couldn't think of anything else though. This is such a common thing I just... Sorry to disappoint everyone. I hatehatehate this fanfic, I'm sorry it's so much worse now.


Am I scared? Of course. I'm trusting him. Trust. He did save me last night, and didn't take advantage of me. Was he part of Kalli's plan anymore? I don't know. I'm falling too fast for him, and too hard. I shouldn't allow myself to be inlove with him, I can't trust anyone. But him? I don't know. I couldn't fall for him. But I already did. I can't help myself. What if he breaks me in the end? What if he hurts me? What if he leaves me? What if.. What if... What if. 

I'm giving up, so just catch me.

Chapter 7- Hope.

*3rd person p.o.v.*

"DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THIS?! SHE'S PROBABLY NEVER GOING TO WAKE UP AGAIN! THERE HAS TO BE MORE YOU CAN DO!" Zayn screamed at the man that was unable to do anything more, letting his tears spill to the floor. 

"Sir, we've done all that's possible. I'm sorry. It's not definite, but it's the probability. She loss so much blood, there wasn't much we could really do. Please continue waiting here, I'll let you know when you can see her." The man wearing a white coat, matching all the other walls, replied back calmly as if he'd said it a hundred times before; which he probably had.

Zayn couldn't control himself, the anger took over his body making him scream and flip the table in the waiting area across the room. Bodies rushed out of the doors behind the desk, all of them now holding him back. Liam had taken over and pulled Zayn back to his chair. Harry and Louis were holding strong, as Liam's eyes were lifeless. Not because of Delilah, but because of Kalli. Kiana was rocking back in forth in the small light blue plastic chair, holding her head inbetween her knees. Niall was broken as well, unable to contain his tears, he was crying too. Brittney was sitting on her boyfriend's lap, Harry. He had his hands wrapped around her, as her head was in the crook of his neck, tearing slightly. Louis was holding onto Ashley as much as Louis was holding onto her, both crying, but not to the point of sobbing. Meg was watching Ashley and Louis, making her cry even more. Allison was holding Liam's hand, promising she'll always be there, and squeezing it for reassurance. Liam had water filling his eyes, but nothing falling. Allison on the other hand, couldn't bare seeing Liam like this; not even including the fact Delilah might never wake up again. 

Seconds turened into minutes, and minutes turned into hours. Meg, Ashley, Louis, Brittney, Harry, Niall, and Alli had left after about 5 hours; leaving Kiana, Liam, and Zayn. 

The same man walked into our waiting area again, "She still hasn't woken up. And it's likely she won't, but a maximum of two people are allowed to go in." 

Zayn's eyes filled with tears, knowing he might never see her eyes open again. He stood up, as Kiana did. 

"You two go, I'll wait," Liam said, choking back tears.

Kiana and Zayn followed the man to room 225, "Here it is," He said walking down the hall. 

Zayn gripped the knob of the door, slowly turning it to reveal his girlfriend, almost dead. Kiana and him stoo stunned at the door, barely able to keep standing from the pain. They slowly walked foward, holding eachother's hand for support. Kiana had made Niall leave because he was getting tired, and he could see her tomorrow; her main focus was Delilah. 

*Zayn's p.o.v*

She was lifeless. Her skin had turned into a lighter tone of beige, to white as snow. Her blonde hair was  messily laying over her shoulders, going in all different directions. Her pink lips were now a shade of dark pink, almost purple. Her eyes were shut, showing her makeup smudged all over her eyes and down her cheeks. 

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