Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry

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~Amber POV~

It was the best day of my life I'm finally going to the Hogwarts school and I'm really excited. I'm going to make new friends. "So, rainbow, its my first year at hogwarts. I'm going to have so much fun".I said to my pet chameleon. She is also my best friend. She start make faces. "Aw, don't worry I'm not leaving without you, girl."I said she smile widely and i hug her.

After packing my bags I go to my brother room to see if he packs or not.

"Hi bro, have you packed your things?" I asked my brother Flynn who was a forth year while it was my first year in Hogwarts.

"Yeah sis, ready to go?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm born ready" I said with excitement.


"Just a bit"

"I was too at first but trust me hogwarts is so much fun"

"thanks bro" I hugged him.

"That's alright but I can't believe, Amber, you're taking that frog with you, at hogwarts"

"She's not a frog, she's a chameleon and my best friend" I said angrily.

"Children are you ready to go" our mother entered the room and asked.

"Yes Mom" we said in unison.

"Good, here is some money for you two" she said giving us both money.

"Now let's go " and we leave the our house and stopped at the cross king station. And went to the platform nine quarter three.

"Ok you'll go first Flynn" she said pointing at my brother Flynn who just past through the portal. After that me and my mother came and we say the Hogwarts Express. We said our goodbyes and Flynn and I got on the train and our mom left.

~Jack POV~

I was really nervous. It was the first time I am going to Hogwarts school. My mom and little sister Emma helped me packed.

"Thanks Mom, sis, love you" I said.

"Bro, I have a gift for you" said Emma who was only 10 years old.

"Yes, Emma what it is" I asked and she gave me a box and I opened it. There was a beautiful locket, with a picture of me and her.

"Thanks Emma, it's beautiful " and I put it on.

"Brother, use it as your lucky charm" she said smiling.

"I will little sister" I hugged her and she hugged me back.

"Ok now let's go, kiddos" my mom said and we went to king cross station.

"Here you go have a nice first day my son, I love you and proud of you" my father hugs me and left because he has worked to do.

"Bye dad" I said and he waved at me.

"C'mon or you'll be late, jack" my mom said. I said goodbye to my mom and sister and go inside the portal between platform nine and ten. And went inside the train.

~Rapunzel POV~

I was getting ready to go the Hogwarts school and I was really excited. Even my chameleon, Pascal was so excited. I packed all the things, my friend Kassandra was helping me.

"Thanks, Kas your a great friend" I said to Kassandra who was a second year student.

"No probs, punzie, what are friends for." She said.

"Are you ready, girls" asked queen of Corona.

"Yes, mom we're ready to go." I said.

We leave the castle and went to King cross station say goodbye to our parents and went inside the train. We find our place and sit there.

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