A curious corridor and detention

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So five of them were going to Gothel's office, Jack, Amber, Hiccup, Merida and Rapunzel. Rapunzel didn't got detention but she went to help them.

"Hey guys, how 'bout looking at the trio cleaning the bed." Jack smirked.

"Oh cool, let's go." Amber said excitedly. They got near the hospital wing, Amber slowly opened the door and saw the trio cleaning bed, they start laughing. Professor Toothiana was there to see if they're not using magic.

"It's all big five's fault, it's because of them that we're here." Justin whispered angrily to his friends.

"Hurry up and quit yapping ." She said.

The five laugh and left. They got to Gothel's office and knock at the door. "Come in." A voice said which is belong to Gothel, the four got inside and punzie stay outside.

"what do you want?" She asked.

"Detention." Four of them said at once.

"Oh yeah." Gothel got up. "Leave your wands here and go to dungeon, i have an important work. Now go!!" She said as four of them leave. Luckily Punzie had her wand to help the four. When they got in the dungeon, Punzie use her wands to clean all the rat's brain.

"That was way too easy." Hiccup said.

"Punz i think you should go before Gothel arrives." Amber said as Punzie ran outside, After some hours, Gothel showed up,

"Nice Job, you four." She said as all of them leave.

~Next Morning~

Next morning, the big five, went into their classes, first one was Transfiguration, Bunny entered the class like usual.

"Ok so class, today we will learn about conjuring," He said. "First of all can someone tell me about conjuration." He said Amber's arm shot into the air. "Yes Ms. Evans." She stood up.

"Conjuration, which is a type of transfiguration is the art of conjuring things (bringing things into being) and hence is the opposite of Vanishment." Amber said.

"Very well done," He said. "Five points for Ravenclaw." He said Punzie gave her thumbs up.

"Today class is boring." Jack said to Jim who was sitting beside him. "Like always." Jim finished his sentence. Actually Jim and Jack hated Bunny since their first class with him and neither Bunny like them.

"Frost and Hawkins, quit yapping." Bunny said to them.

"Now everyone say incendio, to conjures fire from the tip of your wands." Bunny said.

"Incendio." Amber and Punzie said as their wands light up with fire on their tip.

"Nice going, another five points for Ravenclaw." He say merida also doing this. "And for Gryffindor."

After Their Transfiguration class, Amber was going to Her Dormitory, but she bumped into someone, actually a cute hufflepuff, When Amber looked up.

"I'm so sorry, uh......." Amber said.

"Peter....." He said. "Peter Parker."

"Oh I'm sorry Peter." She said.

"That's alright, Amber." He said.

"Wit you know my name." She asked. he nod.

"Well duh, you stand up to Justin, after that everyone knows you and of course you're friends, Jack and Hiccup." He said.

"Uh Thanks." She said nervously. "Did you want something?"

"No i just want to thank you, Hogwarts is suppose to be fun but Justin and his friends were making it miserable for everyone." He said. "I especially appreciate how you and your friend immediately stepped in between him and Wendy to stop them bullying her." Amber blushes.

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