Chapter 8.

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*before the incident*




Eleanor has been in there for about 20 minutes now. i should go check on her and jaymi. I walked into the hospital room, only to see the worst thing that could possibly happen. two hands were wrapped tightly around poor jaymis neck.

slowly moving my head up towards the person who strangled her, i let out a gasp.

Eleanor. Eleanor Calder. Eleanor Calder attempted to murder Jaymi.

"ELEANOR!" I shouted.

she instantly stopped.

"What are you doing!!?" i screamed.

"Umm waking jaymi upp..." she replied casually.

"ha, more like putting her to sleep. permamtly" I scoffed.

Why would eleanor do this?

Forget that, I need to ring the police... or mental institution?

I got out my phone and and dialled 999 (or 112).



E: hello

p: hello how can I help?

E: i'm at ************ hospital. Eleanor Calder has just attemped to murder Jaymi Mae Bell. I demand the police to come right away.

P: Thank you sir, the police are on the way.

I hung up.

"Elyar, please, dont do this to me.. that worthless slut deserves what i did to her!" she screamed.

I pushed her out of my personal space and scooted towards Jaymi. I pressed the button to call the nurse. not long after, several nurses came running in. I explained what happened, resulting in Jaymi being hooked up into machines.

5 minutes later, the police came rushing in and handcuffed Eleanor and took her away.

I walked over towards Jaymi and sat down. i didnt realise i was crying until i felt wetness on my cheek. What if shes gone? I'll die without her.

i can't do this anymore.

i ran out the building. Un prepared for anything that's coming.

I ran and ran and ran until.. bam! A car speeded right into me and that resulted into me being in coma.


A/N: its been six days since i updated. idk what to write! my views are getting so high. i just need votes x

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