Chapter 35

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The transparent viewing screen hung at my eye level as I plugged into the system.  My movements were hesitant and thoughtful as I prepared to download new data.  Cole stood at the center table, tapping on the screen lightly to prepare the files to be copied.  He carried with him a grim expression as his lips closed to a thin line.  His gaze lingered on me for a moment before tapping an icon on his screen to begin the process.

As the files were being copied I was made aware of what my new class entailed.  My armor would be heavily fortified to withstand attacks from creatures of the realm on my own.  Along with a new set of armor, I’d also be issued a set of devices to be used in interventions, but only when absolutely necessary.  I would be given more freedom, but at the cost of long work hours with no sleep.  All guardians are given the capabilities to sustain themselves for a span of 74 hours before rest is necessary.

Once the download was completed I unplugged myself from the system and eyed Cole.  His back was to me as he leaned against the table.  He looked like his mind was warring with contemplative notions as his head tilted slightly to the side.

“All done here,” I said to cut through his thoughts, and he jumped slightly before turning to face me.

“Oh, good,” Cole said as he stood to exit the room.  It seemed to take great efforts to move as uncertain thoughts clouded my mind.  Cole’s distance gave me enough clarity to function enough to question.

“Is everything alright, Cole?  You seem a bit...”  My voice trailed off as I searched for the right description of what I was seeing in him.

“I know,” Cole replied as he led me back to my quarters.  “This is just all too fast.  Your training as an observer isn’t complete, and now you’re expected to guard an individual.  I just don’t see how this is beneficial.”

“What’s normal for a freshly promoted guardian?” I asked.

“Usually guardians are promoted and then go through about a week’s worth of training and preparation for their first mission,” he explained.  “Your whole job is to ensure you protect everyone you’re assigned, and that’s a big deal.  If anything goes wrong, it’s all on you.  Your armor is heavier, too, which you’re not used to.  You’re supposed to acclimate to the new weight before your first mission as well.”

“I’ll make it work,” I responded, mostly for my benefit.   We stopped at the entrance to my quarters knowing this would be the last time we’d talk for three days.  I felt my stomach flutter as my nerves fired in anticipation.  I didn’t feel ready for the responsibility handed to me, and I still wanted some sort of guidance in my missions.

“Be careful,” Cole said to me.

“I’ll be reckless just for you,” I joked.  The phrase was a reply I was fond of using to defuse a serious moment, and was an easy way to mask my growing anxiety.  Cole laughed airily before giving a two-fingered wave in my direction.

“See you in three days.”

“See you then.”  I entered my room to find my new set of armor and equipment placed out neatly on my bed.  I knew how to adorn each piece, and as the weight accumulated I began to wonder how much effort it would take just to reach the lift.  I situated the new devices along my belt and connected the cords to my gorget, and the indicator lights along the pieces began to glow with life.

Gathering my overnight satchel, I took one last glance around my room before heading out.  It was going to be a long three days, and already my armor was weighing heavy on my body.  At first it felt like I could manage it, but as I began to walk the streets of the city my movements became more labored.

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